12 years ago
[Event 2] is walking home from work late, debating if she wanted to stop in for a coffee or not.
latest #66
12 years ago
catches sight of her and grins. She swoops down and snatches the girl off the road, quickly flying back up with her 'prey.'
12 years ago
startles and screams as she's quite suddenly not on the ground, kicking and trying to get free before she's too high up She has no idea
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who it is.
12 years ago
buries her nose in her hair and shushes her. She turns her in her arms a bit so she can wrap her arms around her neck and not feel as
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helpless. "Have you missed me, Miss Maddie~?'
12 years ago
gasps and can feel her hear stopping for a moment as Alicia turns her around. She blinks, taking a moment to register before frowning and
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smacking her shoulder. "A-Are you trying to kill me?????" she asks, clinging to her now as they climbed higher.
12 years ago
laughs delightedly at that little smack and gives her a fanged grin. "Not kill you, startle you. I wanted to make your heart beat all pitter
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patter~" she kisses her nose. "Do you like flying huh?"
12 years ago
can definitely feel her heart beating quickly in her chest now and she frowns at her still. "N-never been flying with a giant
12 years ago
bat," she huffs, flustering a little at the kiss.
12 years ago
giggles at this and gives her a fake pout. "Is that all I am to you? A giant bat? I'm assure you I'm much better than a bat~" She maybe
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gropes her butt a little.
12 years ago
yelps at the grope and nearly lets go, flustered terribly now as she clings to her. "Y-you're also a jerk!" she huffs.
12 years ago
laughs gently and kisses her jaw gently. "I wanted to see you~" she murmurs. "Care to take a spin with me huh?"
12 years ago
hums at her, blinking at the suggestion. "...d-do I have much of a choice at this point?" she asks, making sure not to look down.
12 years ago
laughs gently. "I'd put you back down if you wanted. I'm your little love slave remember~"
12 years ago
flushes at that. "I-I didn't intend to make you a slave..." she murmurs.
12 years ago
giggles at this. "You don't have to make me~" she coos. "I'll do anything for you~" She is teasing her lightly, kissing at her mouth softly.
12 years ago
blushes, still a little huffy and initially kissing her back... until she remembered how high they were in the air. She pulls away from the
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kiss, clinging to her. "Y-you should watch where you're going..."
12 years ago
laughs softly and smiles at her as she pulls back. "there's no one up here but me. Wanna come with me somewhere special?" It was too late to
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say no though really because she speeds up suddenly.
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hums at her. "And birds and airplanes..." she adds, though she yelps as suddenly they're speeding up. She tightens her grip on Alicia,
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clinging for dear life.
12 years ago
clings her tight and finds the very tip top of what seems to be some sort of old cemetery or church. She perches up on the top of it "It's
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dark enough here," she says as she situates the other on her lap. "And it's high so you can still see the stars really well."
Madeline is
12 years ago
looking pretty freaked out again by the time they land, feeling her heart trying to leap out of her chest. "L-little warning would be nice!"
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she huffs, shifting a little to sit more comfortably on her lap. She had to admit the view was nice, though... "...a-are we in a cemetary?"
12 years ago
blinks and looks down and around her. "Oh is it?" she asks. "I knew it was some sort of church but a cemetary is a bit spooky huh?"
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fidgets a little. "J-just a little..." she frowns, now wondering if ghosts and the like were real too.
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smiles at her and lifts her chin to give her a gently sweet kiss. "We can go perch somewhere else if you'd like?"
12 years ago
flushes a bit at the kiss, hesitantly looking down. "...a-are ghosts real?"
12 years ago
watches her for a moment and tilts her head, assessing her. "Yes," she says after a moment. "But most ghosts are dangerous. And a cemetary
Amelia is
12 years ago
a rather safe place to be if your scared of ghosts. Most ghosts, you see, aren't attached to their corpse but rather a place or a person or
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even an object." She kisses her cheek lightly. "Nothing to worry about yeah? I'll keep you safe.
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continues watching below for ghosts, though she blinks up at Alicia's explanation. "...o-oh, I see...I guess it's fine then," she
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replies, still clinging to Alicia.
12 years ago
smiles at this and strokes her hand through her hair. "See? I'll keep you safe. It's my favorite place to stargaze~" She hums lightly and
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watches her.
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flushes at that, leaning a little against her. "I-I could see why.." she hums, glancing up. She did find it amusing a demon liked to
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perch on a church just to hang out, though.
12 years ago
smiles at her and nuzzles gently against her hair. "You're so cute~ the view is much better with company." She just liked it cause it was
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remote. And really she had no beef with christianity. She was born as what she was.
12 years ago
flushes still at the nuzzling, gently finding and holding Alicia's hand. "T-that's just silly, I'm sure I'm more in the way than anything.."
12 years ago
blinks when the girl holds her hand, realizing that yes this little lady was definitely interested in this lasting. She was still wondering
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if the girl would get scared and leave. She smiles and holds her hand back. "You're not in the way sweetie~ you're perfect."
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would be embarrassed to know she was figured out so easily, even though she should expect it considering who Alicia was. "T-that's
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just silly," she mumbles, distracting herself with the sky.
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smiles when she looks up at the sky, looking up as well and leaning her face against hers just a bit. "I can bring you hear whenever you
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want some peace and quiet.
12 years ago
12 years ago
blushes still, but lets Alicia lean against her. "W-well, I can't deny it's quiet here..." the peace part she wasn't yet sure of.
12 years ago
laughs gently and her tail moves to curl around her leg. "Baby~ I'll take you anywhere you wanna go."
12 years ago
startles slightly, face red at the tail winding around her leg. "T-that sounds like a bad pick up line..." she hums.
12 years ago
giggles at her words and her arms are around her waist now, hugging her against her. "Does it? But it's true. Just pick you up and carry you
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off to wherever you want to go."
12 years ago
flushes still, leaning back against her slightly. "I-if you give me more notice than today, maybe..."
12 years ago
smiles at her and nods, fingers sliding down her arm. "Of course, Madeline. I want you to be happy and comfortable. I snatched you today
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because I just couldn't help myself."
12 years ago
can feel her cheeks reddening, looking away and out over the graveyard in her embarrassment. "T-that's ridiculous.."
12 years ago
smiles at this and is squirming the other girl into her lap, nuzzling her face down against her neck. Her wings are closing over the two
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of them now, wrapping them up in a cocoon: she wants all of Maddie's attention. "It's true~"
12 years ago
shifts with Alicia, though she startles a little at the big wings closing around them. "...I-I thought we were up here for the view..?"
12 years ago
pouts at her. "I want you to just look at me for a little bit. This will give us a bit of privacy huh?"
12 years ago
flushes at that, humming at her. "O-oh, I suppose so..."
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