Replurking because someone I know is planning to app. /cough@LinaTrinchcough
there a summery of what the app changes are somewhere?
Um, no, but roughly we changed the BREW reason for bringing question, we removed the request for justification on why a weapon or meister,
dropped the extra bit on kept weaknesses, moved the non-vocal-communication down to notes,
and overall made it read a lot more cleaner.
...A lot cleaner. I can English.
Thanks! Sounds like good changes all 'round.
Oh! It's so different. I can fix it x.x
or maybe it just LOOKS different and it's really... not
Most of the changes are... condensing things, if that makes sense. A lot of the content is still there, just more streamlined/simplified!
Yes, I see now. I'm mostly moving things around and tweaking how they sound here and there. Okay
Glad I didn't go ahead and submit today XD
I... think I'm done fixing it...
well that wasn't hard lol