12 years ago
.. Kissing Day you say, does that mean I can kiss the tweedles? CPCoulter
latest #26
CP Coulter
12 years ago
Sure you can. :-D
12 years ago
I CAN!? Oh oh! Tweedles!!!
CP Coulter
12 years ago
Lemme look for em. XD They're all over the place as usual.
12 years ago
giggles course they are
12 years ago
Always causing trouble those two, gorgeous boys. Goodness this will be my first interaction with them ever, and I have such a crush on them.
CP Coulter
12 years ago
Evan: (suddenly appearing behind her, smirking) Oh really...
Ethan: (materializing at the other side) So interesting...(grin)
12 years ago
ee! Hi Evan, Hi Ethan! Yes! My first time pestering you ^.^ I've been too chicken till now
CP Coulter
12 years ago
Evan: (grins) That's alright... Don't worry... (steps close) We don't bite...
CP Coulter
12 years ago
Ethan: (sweetly) Unless you want us to.
CP Coulter
12 years ago
12 years ago
omgsh. Bites lip I um.. Bite, right. Um. So much kissing today, boys?
CP Coulter
12 years ago
Evan: We may have one more person to kiss... (smirks, pressing a little close, eyeing her lips)
CP Coulter
12 years ago
Ethan: That is, of course...(smirks) If she was willing...
12 years ago
nods head I think she's more than willing? looks hopeful
CP Coulter
12 years ago
Ethan: (grins and kisses her deeply, making sure to push her against his brother, who starts kissing her neck)
12 years ago
Responds to his kiss before wrapping an arm around his neck and pulling Evan closer to her and Ethan
CP Coulter
12 years ago
Evan: (laughs softly, takes his turn kissing her lips as Ethan starts kissing her throat)
12 years ago
Grins for a second before responding to his kiss as well
CP Coulter
12 years ago
Twins: (after a long moment, release her, grinning)
12 years ago
Blushes and fans self T.. thank you
CP Coulter
12 years ago
Twins: See you... (both vanish as swiftly as they came)
12 years ago
dies Bye!
CP Coulter
12 years ago
12 years ago
hahahha tweedlesssss i love them
CP Coulter
12 years ago
XDDD Theyrenuts.
12 years ago
But.. theyre nuts in such an amazing and lovely way. They're my absolute favorites. Lol I love them all really, but the tweedles god. lol
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