Tino has
12 years ago
decided to rebuild his sauna. Mostly he wanted something to do.
latest #72
Søren was
12 years ago
walking around, figuring he'd give the other a visit. When he saw him he just walked up, humming. "Hej~"
Tino was
12 years ago
in the middle of cutting the planks of wood to the right size when he heard the greeting. He looked up and smiled. "Ah, Hei Denmark."
12 years ago
smirks and nods. "What're ye doin' in this heat?"
12 years ago
shrugs a bit as he sat down on the grass and took a long drink of his ice cold beer. "Rebuilding."
12 years ago
hums as he stared at the beer. "... Want some help?"
12 years ago
gave him a bit of a confused look but nodded, "if you want to help... would you like a beer?"
12 years ago
nods happily a few times and held out his hand.
12 years ago
leaned over to the cooler he had out with him and fished a cold beer out to hand it over to him.
12 years ago
smiles and opened it eagerly before sipping the cold drink. "Perfect for today."
12 years ago
nods in agreement as he sipped at his own beer some more.
12 years ago
hummed as he looked around. "I'd not mind helpin, if I can join in some time in the fun of it."
12 years ago
grinned at that, "of course. It's always open. I'm just redoing all the wood paneling for the walls and replacing the wood burning heater."
12 years ago
nodded a bit. "Awesome. Maybe we can test it out once ye're done."
12 years ago
sipped his beer again before he got up and nodded. "Sure! Um.. if you want you can start pulling out the old boards? I'm just cutting the
12 years ago
new ones."
12 years ago
nodded and downed the rest of his beer before grabbing a hammer and going to take out the old boards.
Tino is
12 years ago
actually glad for the help. He went back to cutting the boards to the right size after he finished his own beer as well.
12 years ago
pulled out the boards and then the nails, putting them into a bin so they didn't get in the way.
12 years ago
continued to work, humming as he got all the boards cut down to size. He only paused to pull out two more beers, handing one over to
12 years ago
12 years ago
wiped his brow and took it, nodding. "Tak." He quickly opened it and sipped from it.
12 years ago
took a few sips from his own. "So how have you been?" He realized he hasn't really spoken to the Dane.
12 years ago
shrugs. "I've been good. Doin' stuff mostly around the house, and hittin' the town like normal."
12 years ago
nods as he took the small break and finished half his beer. "That's good then."
12 years ago
put his beer down and finished getting the rest of the boards out with the nails as well.
12 years ago
went to help him finish removing the boards. It wouldn't take long now that there was two of them.
12 years ago
smiled and was glad to get it all done. He finished the rest of his beer and hummed. "This is goin' quicker than I thought."
12 years ago
nods and smiles, "yep. Well two people is easier than one."
12 years ago
looked up to the sun and sighed. "I dun think it'd be safe for ye to do this all alone anyways."
12 years ago
shrugs a bit, "I would have asked Berwald, but I haven't seen him in... a long time."
12 years ago
hums and nods. "Neither have I. So at least I know he's not ignorin' or avoidin' me."
12 years ago
smiled, "nope, he's ignoring or avoiding both of us." He nodded, "want to stay for dinner? I was thinking barbeque."
12 years ago
licked his lips and smirked. "Sure. That'd be nice. And nice that I dun have to cook dinner for once."
12 years ago
handed him one of the new boards once they were done with the old ones. "Yep, it'll be nice to have the company."
12 years ago
started setting the new boards up, making sure they were in the right place.
12 years ago
set about working on the other side, he was maybe a tad bit of a perfectionist when it came to this sort of thing.
12 years ago
figured as much. He normally wasn't, but if it wasnt' done right the heat wouldn't stay in, so he focused on it.
12 years ago
isn't replacing the insulation, so that shouldn't be to huge of a problem. He carefully lined up the boards and nailed them in place.
12 years ago
hummed as he worked and finished up one of the sides. "This'll be nice when it's done."
12 years ago
nods, "yeah it'll be nice."
12 years ago
finished up his bit fully and stepped back to look it over.
12 years ago
finished the wall he'd been working on and glanced over at him. "Looks good."
12 years ago
nods. "I thought so too~ So when do we get to test it out?"
12 years ago
looks at the last wall that needs to be done. "After we finish that wall and put the new wood burning heater in."
12 years ago
smiles and nods andstarted up on it.
12 years ago
got the new heater assembled while he did that.
12 years ago
smiles and walked around it. "Looks real good. Really."
12 years ago
looked up at him and smiled, "thanks. It needed to be done. New wood is always good."
12 years ago
nods. "Ja, the moisture and that can really get to it I bet."
12 years ago
nods, "yep. But it's all good now. Once I get this set up we can let it heat up. In the mean time, want dinner?"
12 years ago
smiles and nods happily. "Ja. Want help?"
12 years ago
shakes his head, "you're the guest. You can just relax if you want."
12 years ago
shrugs. "I'm not use to not cookin', ye should know that. I use to cook for all 4 of ye brats."
12 years ago
smiled at the memories. "Yeah... I guess..." He didn't want to say, before Sweden took me and we left.
Søren was
12 years ago
glad he didn't say that. He just headed for the house, wondering what he could help with.
12 years ago
finished up with the sauna and set it so it could heat up while they ate. He followed him into the house and only paused to take off his
12 years ago
t-shirt before he headed for the kitchen. "Umm... you want to wrap the potatoes?"
12 years ago
shrugs. "Sure." He took his shoes off and got himself a glass of water before looking for the potatoes.
12 years ago
had taken them out earlier and left them on the counter. He got the steaks out and and took them outside to the barbeque. He was trying
12 years ago
something different this time.
12 years ago
finished his water and wrapped up the potatoes soon after, going out to join the other. "How're ye gonna cook those?"
Tino thinks
12 years ago
for a moment. "I was thinking right on the grill... "
12 years ago
nods a little. "That'll leave a nice charred taste."
12 years ago
shrugs, "I guess... I dunno."
12 years ago
chuckled. "It'll be good either way. Ye gonna put spices on them?"
12 years ago
nods, "yep! Already on the stakes. I read this American cook book... just followed that."
12 years ago
smiles. "Oh nice. I wonder how this'll taste~"
12 years ago
shrugs, "I hope it tastes good..." he's not tried it yet.
12 years ago
shrugged and put the potatoes on. "We'll find out. If one of us gets sick, then we know not to trust American style food."
12 years ago
laughs at that, "yes. This is true." He hummed and put the steaks on next. "Berwald got sick from my cooking once. It was kinda funny."
12 years ago
smirked. "I could see why. Ye have some very... interestin' ways of cookin'."
12 years ago
laughed again and nodded, "I guess I do."
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