11 years ago
Already home from my small town fireworks - walked past all the traffic :-)
latest #6
Kghia loves
11 years ago
small town fireworks. Such a sense of community at those events
11 years ago
We walked over to the Hoboken waterfront to watch NYC's Macy's fireworks. Now there is a small town display (woot)
11 years ago
had a couple of drunk guys outside yelling at each other, but otherwise quiet night :-)
11 years ago
Pushes Dirk into the water :-P
11 years ago
Small is small town though - the little drumless band playing old music is cute but the Fireworks are nothing compared to walking out on
11 years ago
your balcony and seeing fireworks everywhere or being in NYC. I do like beeing close enough to feel the BOOM though :-)
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