And now I seriously need to hit my inbox. Been so slow getting into the swing of SC again.
same place I've always been, I guess. Just... not AIM. Or Plurk.
More or less. That and developed an RP allergy. By their powers combined, I am invisible Jason
been studying for a while though, and getting super absorbed with running a D&D campaign or two
I quit RP back in October actually
just got dragged back in my Michele
just as in 'just entered a game on Monday' just
I know the feeling. I caught up with Ozzy IRL a few weeks back, rejoined SC at the end of June
end of this month I go back to studying too, so that'll be fun. Hopefully can develop some CR to keep me interested in the next few weeks
well a break is always good
Sounds good to me. I'd love for Vergil to get his ass kicked.
I miss being cruel to him.
not me, but Kimi is a wonderful Date
Vegeta is...hating life. Being human blows.
Yeah, I saw. I was tempted to have that confusing discussion when I saw her post, but decided to hold off until I know what I'm doing
being human is the worst, seriously
can't even explode planets, what is this I don't even