Iagad says
12 years ago
Considering a Barbara Gordon Green lantern costume for future cons . . .what say you, Michael?
latest #15
12 years ago
I am not Michael, but I say hells yes.
Iagad says
12 years ago
I'll take it, Crispy! It's so basic as to almost be cheating . . but to my knowledge, it's not often done. At least, I've never seen one. ;-)
12 years ago
I don't remember seeing one, ever.
Iagad says
12 years ago
Ooooo . . that's saying a lot!
mcolavolpe shares
12 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/89c716ff2e3393388582237e81dddf56.jpgYou mean this one from Created Equal?
Iagad says
12 years ago
Yes, and no. From Created Equal, yes . . but I like the long hair better:
mcolavolpe says
12 years ago
Ryanhilt says
12 years ago
orignal Psylocke! Do it!
Ryanhilt says
12 years ago
Iagad says
12 years ago
This is actually the look I was thinking of . . .it's just it would be a bitch to do. ;-)
Iagad says
12 years ago
Ryanhilt says
12 years ago
either way, it's a LOT of pink.
Iagad says
12 years ago
oh yes . . .tons.
Ryanhilt says
12 years ago
Iagad says
12 years ago
Not gonna lie . . if i were young enough, I would create Kitty's horror show just to say i did.
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