ragelogger hates
12 years ago
how sometimes even 50 shots isn't enough to get the one that's going to catch their eye. :-(
latest #7
Keliah is
12 years ago
this a photography problem or something deeper?
ragelogger shares
12 years ago
Photography. Some days, every shot is great but this last set, I took 63 shots and I got 1 I liked. >.<
12 years ago
I have to take a bajillion shot to sort through the ones SL fucked up and which ones are doable. But, there are tricks for the eyes...
12 years ago
That thing is my best friend.
ragelogger says
12 years ago
That looks really great! Thank you.
Vivi Crystal says
12 years ago
agreed and sometimes sl don't really help (angry)
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