12 years ago
[Event 2] is lounging at a lonely lake, letting her more demonic features out for a bit. Hiding them was so troublesome.
latest #113
12 years ago
drifted along the lake doing what birds do best which she frankly had no idea about. She watched the other, surprised at the sudden change.
12 years ago
blinks at her and her tail flicks back and forth. "Hello little birdie," she says, waving a bit.
12 years ago
stared some more before nodding back out of habit of being polite which might have just singled her out from the other birds.
12 years ago
can sense her rather than tell which she is. The little nod helps perhaps and she smiles, wondering a bit at what sort of creature she was.
12 years ago
swam a little closer to inspect the other better. She was certainly not familiar with seeing a mythical being like the other before.
12 years ago
smiles and watches, wondering. She reached out her hand, not realizing perhaps how frightening her claws must look. "Come come little birdie
12 years ago
and make friends."
12 years ago
didn't seem very fazed at them but rather grew even more curious as she stopped in front of the other in a slightly_
12 years ago
_ awed fashion. This person seemed very interesting indeed!
Amelia gives
12 years ago
her a fanged smile. She was rather harmless to be fair, much more suited to tempting than to hurting things. She wasn't that sort of demon._
12 years ago
reaches out and brushes claws through her feathers, a sort of half-pet half-friendly face scratch that one gives to animals.
12 years ago
seemed rather surprised at first but then was quite content in response since it got rid of her annoying itch. It wasn't everyday she got_
12 years ago
_ such a luxurious treatment even in Ásgard. She seemed rather relaxed from how friendly the other was towards her.
12 years ago
smiles and now she's petting and scratching her head, smoothing out her feathers. "What are you pretty birdie~? Can you talk?" She tilts her
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head, tail coming up to scratch her own head, just below her horns.
12 years ago
gave her a bemused look before nodding slowly as she reminded herself not to give away her true identity, "...J-ja." She wanted to laugh at_
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_ how odd the other seemed since she's never seen someone scratch their heads with their tail with the exception of the World Serpent_
12 years ago
_ but he was a giant push over sometimes.
12 years ago
smiles at this and blinks her big red eyes at her. "I thought you must. You're a very smart little birdie. Probably rather powerful too, if
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seeing a demonic one in her true form doesn't startle you." She means it as praise rather than any sort of threat and this much is clear in
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her tone.
12 years ago
rubbed her own neck with her wing in a slightly bashful fashion, " Well I had to deal with a giant half skeleton half lady person and plenty
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_ of dead people in the past." The ruler of Hel and mauled corpses of warriors was certainly less appealing to look at.
12 years ago
tilts her head an hums a bit, tail, curling over her back and trying to drag her a bit closer so she could pet her back now. "Hmmmm, that
12 years ago
makes sense rather then. Usually creatures are scared of me. I'm really not all that bad though~! I'm rather fun, you see."
12 years ago
seemed rather oblivious at being pulled along but she was too relaxed and comfortable to protest. She tilted her head slightly to have a_
12 years ago
_ better look at that other, " That's odd, I don't see why they should be afraid of you. Having horns and tails_
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_ are quite popular where I come from."
12 years ago
laughs softly and her folded black wings twitch a bit. "I'm sure the fangs and wings don't help much. Most mortal creatures are put off by
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demons. You're not particularly mortal though I suppose. A different sort of breed entirely." Her tail flicks lazily through the air like a
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cat tail. "I mostly deal with humans though.
12 years ago
shrugs as much as a bird possibly could before looking up to the other with a look of sudden peak of interest, " Really? I've been studying_
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_ humans for a while now and I don't understand them at all."
12 years ago
arches a brow and gives a fanged grin. "Oh I can certainly help there. My job is very much about my.... interactions with humans."
12 years ago
nods slightly, shifting a bit eager to know. " That sounds cool! How do you interact with them?"
12 years ago
shrugs a little. "Partying and sex usually. I'm a tempter. Humans are creatures that crave pleasure- from drink, from song, from drug, from
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warm bodies pressed together." She laughs and pets her back just between her wings. "very simple to figure out, I think."
12 years ago
wiggles a bit happily and nods, " I'm not sure what this partying term means but that sounds about right of the typical warrior from where I
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_ come from." She didn't expect it to be so simple. The humans she regularly watched looked a lot more sophisticated.
12 years ago
smiles. "Partying. Getting into big groups of people to each the company and the excitement." She tilts her heads. "It's not just warriors._
12 years ago
Many humans have that side. If you're like me, you know how to draw that out of them."
12 years ago
nods slowly as she gave a slightly nervous smile, " I have no idea how to even dress like one. I glow too much when I take my human form."
12 years ago
arches a brow. "And what sort of mythical monster are you little pretty~? Perhaps you can learn to keep your glow down?"
12 years ago
flails her wings in an awkward fashion careful not to hit the other. " Uh...the type that isn't very good to interacting with humans or_
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_ glowing less?" She slumped slightly in defeat.
12 years ago
laughs softly at her and gives her a pout. "Is it a secret~? Or maybe it's a little curse and you can't speak of it~" She leans forward to
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kiss the top of her head. "Perhaps a kiss to break your spell, little birdie~" Okay perhaps she's teasing just a little bit but it was cute!
12 years ago
gave her a rather surprised look before shaking her head. " Sort of. My boss wouldn't be too happy if I told everyone who I am but the_
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_ crazy goddess from Hel would be more than happy to hunt me down." She sighed.
12 years ago
laughs. "Not a curse then~ Shame. I like waking up princesses~" She is of course not lost on the idea that 'kiss' awakenings in fairytales
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often meant sexual awakenings as well. She laughs though, not expecting the other to get that. "I'd hate for you to get in trouble little
12 years ago
Dorthe was
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utterly clueless on the other hand but nodded along. " How many princesses have you awaken?" She asked out of curiousity.
12 years ago
smiles and rubs her neck just beneath her beak. "Oh very very many. I am their first taste of sapphic pleasure usually and they are quite
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curious about it."
12 years ago
nods slowly, slightly understanding that. " Sounds like the happy ending they're looking for." Well that was what she read in those_
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_ children's story books the Norns got her a while back.
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laughs. "I like it better when it ends happily of course," even though sometimes it doesn't. Well she can't make humans be nice to each
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other she guessed.
12 years ago
would be smiling widely at that if it was possible. " You sound like a pretty awesome hero or a knight in shining armour."
Amelia thinks
12 years ago
about that and wonders if lying to this little birdie was such a bad thing if she was going to compliment her like that. "Well I certainly
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like to think so~"
12 years ago
hums happily as she rustled her feathers slightly, " It's not everyday you meet someone so interesting as you."
Amelia thinks
12 years ago
about this and shrugs. "I suppose that's true. But you're pretty interesting too you know."
12 years ago
tilts her head before shaking it, " Nej. I'm just your average talking swan that glows as a human." She stated bluntly.
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kisses the top of her head. "That's very irregular you know."
12 years ago
fidgets a bit, " I haven't been caught yet so I think I'm still in the clear." Hopefully.
12 years ago
laughs gently. "I suppose that's true. Humans don't notice things out of the ordinary if they can help it though."
12 years ago
nods quickly, " Ja, it's a good thing they don't. I'll be in lots of trouble if they happen to catch me."
12 years ago
tilts her head. "Your secret is safe with me as long as you don't let anyone on to the fact that I'm a winged fanged little beastie~!" she
Amelia gives
12 years ago
a teasing 'monstrous' show of fangs with a little growl.
12 years ago
flapped her wings happily in response to that, " Will do! I haven't spoken to anyone in a while so my beak is sealed." She made a_
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_ zipping motion to show her.
12 years ago
giggles at this and nods. "Of course sweetie~ We made quick friends then. What is your name~?"
12 years ago
shifted again unsure of how to respond. " It's kind of hard to say so just call me Dorthe." It was a name she liked.
12 years ago
laughs softly. "A human name. You can have my human name as well then. I'm Alicia~"
12 years ago
blinks as she repeated that name, " Alicia...that sounds pretty." She hadn't heard of many human names.
12 years ago
smiles at her and rubs under her bill again. "I rather like it~" she murmurs. "I picked it myself~!"
12 years ago
shuddered slightly before relaxing happily again. " Seems like you're really go at that sort of human stuff then."
Amelia thinks
12 years ago
about it and nods. "I suppose I am mostly."
12 years ago
((good* Gah I'm getting tired xD Sorry!))
12 years ago
shifted her feet, " Can I find you whenever I have trouble then?"
12 years ago
(( It's okay sugar~ )
12 years ago
nods and strokes her neck. "You can seek me out when you need me. There are runes as well. to summon creatures like me. If you know my
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mark, you can summon me directly."
12 years ago
looks at her with a look of stupor. " I'm not very good with the arts so I think wandering around to find you might be easier."
12 years ago
laughs softly and taps her "cheek" gently. "Alright then. Come and find me directly then~" It was better anyways than giving her sign to
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someone she just met.
12 years ago
wasn't exactly allowed to perform the dark arts and even magic wasn't really her forte. " Just don't mind_
12 years ago
_ a giant bird like me being awkward." She smiles as much as her beak would allow her.
12 years ago
shrugs. "I've had more awkward things that a pretty birdie lookin' for me, don't worry."
12 years ago
tilts her head, " Are you sure? I guess I can try to find you in my human form but I'll attract even more unwanted attention."
12 years ago
smiles at this. "It's okay. I'll deal with whatever you decide."
12 years ago
nods slowly, " Okay then. But you make sure you're safe too!"
12 years ago
smiles at this and nods. "I"m usually pretty safe.
12 years ago
12 years ago
settled down at bit at that, " That's a relief then." She wouldn't want her friends to be in trouble.
12 years ago
stretches out her wings as she starts to straighten and yawn. '~Mhm~"
12 years ago
hums a bit, " Tired? You know you can take a nap here. Its a pretty empty here during the day."
12 years ago
smiles at this. "Really?" She stretches again and falls back into the grass. "That would be so nice."
12 years ago
nods along in response, " Ja. It seems like a more popular thing to couples to roam here but that too is rare."
Amelia thinks
12 years ago
about it. "I'm sure it'll be fine if you think it is.
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shrugs at that, " I'll be here to protect you if anything happens."
12 years ago
smiles at this and coos. "You won't sleep with me pretty birdie?"
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tilts her head, " Well if you don't mind me talking in my sleep I guess."
12 years ago
giggles. "I don't mind. It's cute."
12 years ago
blinks at her in a confounded fashion, " Is it? I usually get made fun of because of that."
12 years ago
smiles at this and shakes her head. "I have known many humans do weirder things."
12 years ago
looks up to her with a curious gaze, " Like what?"
12 years ago
arches a brow. "Sometimes it's really gross. Some of them fart constantly in their sleep and some of them grope at you or try and choke you.
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Those are the ones that have horrible nightmares." She shakes her head. "Talking is cute."
12 years ago
had a look of horror on her face when she heard that. " Now that does sound bad."
12 years ago
laughs softly. "It's usually nothing I can't handle. I won't tease you for talking."
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