Andi says
12 years ago
FINALLY got the sleep i needed, omg! i feel so refreshed, today is movie + gift shopping cause my mom wants to bring back stuffs
latest #7
12 years ago
YAY!! I'm so glad you got some rest! You were sooo worn out! Have a wonderful day Little Bear!! I love you!
Sweet Baby says
12 years ago
Sweet Baby says
12 years ago
so you will be enough strong to shopping more, that's so cool
Andi says
12 years ago
SweetBabyStore: LOL! im workin on my own store first missy! LOL!
Sweet Baby says
12 years ago
you will see my new puppy, you will not resist to the temptation lol
Andi says
12 years ago
Saphy says
12 years ago
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