12 years ago
[Event 2]took a stroll around the city in the morning with a content smile. Last night's raid on a vampire coven had been successful.
latest #130
Amelia is
12 years ago
walking around the city looking incredibly gorgeous. She was out 'tempting', as it were. She notices him, with the smell of the undead on
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him, knowing he must be in that sort of business. She makes her way over to him. He could interesting to play with anyways.
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seemed rather oblivious while he was walking around. He did turn his head to her in the last moment with a welcoming smile, "Pryvit."
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looks up at him and steps close. "Hello," she says, voice warm. "Out for a stroll tonight?"
Dmytro gives
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a hearty chuckly as he glanced at his watch, " It must be quite early for an evening stroll then, Miss."
Amelia has
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been out all night, she haveing assumed he'd likely been out all night as well due to the smell. "Really? I thought you were stumbling home
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after a party like me~" She stepped up close and put her arm through his. "You must be one of those responsible adults who keeps reasonable
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hours~" She laughs.
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tilts his head slightly out of amusement while watching the other and smiles, " You might have possibly caught me redhanded then. Though_
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_ I'm sure considering my age, the parties I attend to would be rather...unsatisfying for such a rather intruiging lady like you."
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arches a brow and tilts her head, giving him a knowing smile. "I thought that might be the case. You don't look like an early riser." She
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hums, wondering if he was aware of her- some humans, specially ones that hunt, caught on easier. "I'm sure your parties would entertain me
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just fine if you were dotin' on me, hun."
12 years ago
(( She thinks he's a hunter of some sort right now okok ))
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had caught onto her scent but chose to not do anything about it but opt to find out what she wanted from him instead. He nods slowly in_
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_ response to her with another calm smile, " That is true and I don't suppose that I am the only other one that prefers the night. Quite_
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_ honestly my engagements tend to be on the wild side."
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((Kay :3))
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lets her lips quirk into a sexy smile. "I much prefer the night. I'm rather wild myself." She has quite fallen into stride with him now,
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quite willing to 'follow' him home this way. "You can do some wild things during the day too you know."
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blinks and seemed interested to hear what she had to say, " Is that so? Perhaps it'll be better to enlighten me then." He was actually_
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_ walking toward a cafe that was a personal favourite of his. A man like him couldn't work in the office on an empty stomach.
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blinks a bit in surprise, having expected him to try and lead her off somewhere to 'cleanse her filth' or whatever hunters did. The scent of
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dead vampires was masking his own scent pretty well. She actually grins though. "Such a thing in such a public place~? How utterly naughty!"
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raises a brow, slightly confused at what she was getting at. " My apologies then." He smiles in response somewhat getting her cue. " I'm _
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_not that familiar with those sorts of things." As honest as he could be really.
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grins up at him, eyes flashing. "Oh no, I'm rather fond of mischief and naughtiness you see. Usually boys take me home for that though," she
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laughs,quite amused by him now. Such a strange little hunter this one must be.
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looks at her with a slightly blank expression. There was no doubt about it that she was a demon but now he was surely_
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_ confused. " I see..." He halted in his steps and looks at her, " We're here." He nods to the cafe they stood outside of.
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laughs at his little blank expression. "Surely you're not so innocent as to misunderstand?" She leans up and kisses him directly on the
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mouth, murmuing thank you before she enters the little cafe. I
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12 years ago
stood there stunned for a moment before shaking his head and followed after her into the_
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_ place unsure of what had just occured. " I haven't gotten your name yet."
Amelia is
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rather certain that he's aware of her. "Would you like the name I give most humans or would you like my real one?" she asks as she sits,
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eying him close.
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took off his coat and adjusted his scarf with a slightly entertained smile, " Which ever one you prefer." He took his seat across from her.
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decides to cut him a break, her 'real name' would likely help him determine what precisely she was. "My old name is Voluptas, after the
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daughter of Eros and Psyche. Rather straight forward, I think." She laughs and shrugs. "You may call me Alicia though. It's what I'm called
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in this time."
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seemed rather surprised at first before he chuckled in response, " Well Miss Alicia, you certaintly are an alluring one fitting of your_
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_ lineage." He paused as the atmosphere grew tense for a moment, " But why are you so interested in getting involved with the lycanthropes _
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_of the city?" A few looks came from the other patrons of the cafe, making it clear that this was werewolf territory.
Amelia gives
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him a flirtatious smile at the compliment, twirling a finger in her hair. At his words, her eyes go big and she looks utterly surprised for
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a moment. "Oh! That's why you smell of dead vampires." She is giggling behind her hand now. "I thought you were a little hunter. I was going
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to tempt you and touch you in dirty places before you got embarrassed and tried to hunt me. Then I was going to flutter away~" She makes
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little fluttering butterfly motions with her hands. "Oh but you won't do that if you're not a hunter I suppose. No reason."
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waits for the people to settle down as a waiter served up a rather luxurious breakfast. " That would make sense..." He smiles fully_
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_ understanding her motive as he looked over to her, " As long as you do not oppose with the agenda of the clan, feel free to act as you_
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_ wish." He gave her a reassuring nod after.
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tilts her head and still giggling a bit. She sniffs the air near him again, catching the light scent under all that dead vampire smell, able
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to catch it once she's looking for it. "I don't oppose or endorse anything!" she says, as if it's some sort of campaign slogan. "I'll bed
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your brothers and sisters, and require absolutely nothing else." She raises her hands in a 'scout's honor' sort of way.
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smiles and nods, "Very good then. I don't suppose they would mind some company at night." He put some cream_
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_ and sugar in his cup of tea. " Just becareful that they like to play rough."
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hums and looks at him, eyes flashing curiously. "And you? What sort of company do you like at night~?" She gives him a winning smile and
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starts to eat. "I really like playing rough when the mood is right~"
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sipped his tea and chuckles some more, " Unfortunately, I'll have to dissappoint you Miss Alicia. The only company I prefer is the moon." He
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_ was sure she wouldn't be too happy to hear such an answer.
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sighs dramatically though to be fair she has no shortage of bed partners to keep her company. She tilts her head. "I could be the moon for
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you if you ever change your mind~" She laughs softly and tilts her head. "You seem like you'd be delicious too. Perhaps that's why. Celibate
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one's always do have such a stronger taste."
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smiles in an amused fashion in response after eating some food, " Perhaps I might reward you with it." He looks to her, "But I have a humble
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_request if I may so ask of you to complete for me."
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smiles at this, eyes becoming instantly interested. "Oh what sort of request do you have of me~? Something suitably sordid I and dirty I
12 years ago
12 years ago
could tell it would be an offer she couldn't resist, " There should be a few vampire clans left in the city and quite frankly we're in a_
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_ risky situation as we only have one lead to them and it's in the red light district that we don't control. If you can provide us with
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_ some intel on where the remaining clans are not only I will be more than willing to be of company but my brethern_
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_ would be delighted to be of service." Long winded but as straight forward as he could be.
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hums and thinks about this, turning it over in her head. "Well I don't usually get involved in turf wars but..." She taps her lips, guaging
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how beneficial this would be for her. "I can't really sleep with vampires- that whole undead thing makes them not very tasty for me.... But
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oh!" She perks, thinking out loud. "There would be many fang bangers in that part of town too. Just a flash of some fangs and I'd get plenty
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of action out of the trouble." She gives him an appraising look. "Hmmmm well I think I can mange that then~"
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seemed rather pleased with her decision and nods contently. " We will provide you any assistence you require and fulfill your needs." He_
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_ flashed a warm smile, " All you need to do is ask, you are our guest afterall."
12 years ago
clasps her hands together, letting her tail peak through her other wise human disquise. "Oh well I operate better on my own I suppose. I'm
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quite sure vamps won't mind the stench of sex and demonic aura but wolf-baby smell might not go well." She lets her tail flick through the
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air behind her, snacking on the things on the table.
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nods slowly, " That can be arranged. I'm sure you might have had some trouble with entering high profile events the humans have, correct?"
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tilts her lips and taps her cheek. "That depends really, on how perceptive the human is and how jealous the guy that's helping me get in
Amelia is
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." She pouts. "I've been thrown out men starting fights over jealousy more than I can count."
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frowns slightly at the sound of that before sipping his tea some more. " What if I can guarantee you entering those events? You can feel_
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_ free to do as you wish without the worry of being escorted out due to some minor issues."
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sits up a bit straighter. "That would be nice~ Then I'd just have to be careful about being indecent only in dark enough corners with pretty
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people." She nods. "I like that~"
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placed the empty tea cup onto the plate with a faint clink of porcelain, " Then it's a deal. You've made a good choice, Miss Alicia."
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tilts her head and nods. "I suppose it is." She gives him a sneaky look. "I know you don't like nighttime partners but can we at least seal
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the deal with a nice kiss~ It's my prefered 'signature,' if you will."
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seemed amused by her attitude and nods, " I don't suppose that I can say no to that," He chuckled while watching her.
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looks utterly delighted by this, and hops up, standing over him. She slides both hands over his cheeks and leans down to kiss him fully on
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the mouth, making a little happy cooing sound when their lips connect.
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seemed willing to cooperate as he returned the kiss in a gentle and sweet fashion. He didn't think much of it or seem bothered at all.
Amelia is
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pleased enough even if the affection is sweeter, gentler than she'd expected from a man that smelled like blood. She gets a long deep kiss
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from him, tugging his lip just slightly with her teeth as she pulls back. She looks delighted. "See~ That wasn't so bad." She licks her lips
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and hums delightedly- even that bit of touch was 'delicious' to her much better than the human food- though that was certainly to her liking
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as well. "As expected you taste wonderful~"
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smiles calmly though some of the people in the place seemed rather irritated at the sight as he nodded. " I'll take that as a compliment."
Amelia is
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no stranger to irritating people with PDA. She nods and saunters back to her seat, sliding down into the chair. "It is a compliment!" she
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tells him, humming happily.
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chuckles as he observed her some more before leaning back into his seat, " It's not everyday I get told such _
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_a thing though." He shakes his head knowing how much protest he was going to get from the decisions he made.
Amelia thinks
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about this and tilts her head. "I suppose that's true. But it's much more fun this way right~" She takes a glass of water and gets a nice
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little taste- to be sure it isn't holy water. It didn't seem to out of the way to think a group of wolves would have holy water in case of
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vamp problems.
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notices it and sighs slightly, " Don't worry. If we wanted to hurt you, we would have done that the moment you came up to me."
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blinks up at him and tilts her head. "I trust you. But accidents also happen. It's not too out of the way to just keep lots of things in
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stock for any eventuality" She shrugs. "Hunters, they drink holy water sometimes, to have it always at their table. No rest for the wicked
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I guess."
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smiles widely, " Hunters wouldn't be able to lay a finger on us or even the vampires for the matter._
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_ They have rather terrible leads and fall into our traps easily all the time."
Amelia thinks
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about that and takes a drink. "Oh they're fun to irritate. The worsth they can usually do me is burn me a bit or send me back to Hell. It's
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avoided pretty easily though."
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shakes his head, " I would hate for such a silly human to harm as much as a hair on you Miss Alicia. You are quite valuble to us."
Amelia thinks
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about this and giggles. "I suppose I'm useful if nothing else. You only trust me, I guess, because I'm not a malevolent. I'm a pleasure
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based little beastie."
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frowns, " Oh that's not the only reason." He smiles after. " You can just say that I have taken a liking _
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_towards you." Platonic maybe? He wasn't the type to say what he felt usually.
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giggles softly at this. "Well I'm certainly hard to hate." She grabs a strawberry and nibbles on it. She was rather easy to make happy.
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nods as he used the napkin to wipe off the pastry bits from his lip after he finished eating. " That is true." He did find her_
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_ quite the charming young lady despite how displeased some of his bretheren looked.
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tilts her head and tucks her hair behind her ears. She giggles a little, picking at the food on the table now. She looks up at him. "I'm
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hungry," she says in a pointed tone. "If you have nothing else to ask of me I think I'm going to go pick myself up something tasty."
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looks over to the waiter who starts to clean up, " Very well. Have a good day, Miss Alicia. If you wish to contact_
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_ me, you know where to find me." He smiles in a gentle fashion once more.
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smiles at him and pecks his cheek. "Of course, hun." She gives him a little wave and is already sauntering off. "See ya."
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chuckles as he waves back politely, " Do pobachennya and take care. My name is Dmytro in case I haven't told you." He called after.
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tucks that away for later. "Dmytro~ See you again soon~" she calls back, humming happily as she goes.
12 years ago
went to work after with some of his bretheren from the cafe accompanying him. He had a job to do in the city council after all.
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