12 years ago
[Event 2] is sitting behind the counter of the library, reading a book.
latest #363
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comes in, long tan legs revealed in all their glory with her tiny shorts. She looks gorgeous as always, something rather alluring about her-
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unlike some of her type, she never really quite turned her glamor off. She liked the attention probably. She hadn't come here with the
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intention of finding a dinner mate but she sees the cute little bunny behind the desk and she isn't sure she can help herself, strolling
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over to lean against the counter, cleavage very much on display. "Darlin'," she drawls quietly. "Could you help me out a bit huh?"
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only glances up without really seeing her when the door opens, too engrossed in her book. She startles a little when addressed though, quick
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to put it down and fold her hands over it politely. "Ah sorry, I certainly can rry," she smiles. "What is it you need?"
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admires her leaning over the counter still. "Have you ever heard of the Pearl, huh? I'm lookin' for an anthology of the old magazine." She
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arches a brow, very much doubting this sweet innocent knew what it was. She gives her a slow amused smile.
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i truthfully a little oblivious, but she can't but glance down briefly at Alicia's chest when she leans in. "Ah... The Pearl?" she repeats,
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trying to see if she remembers. "I'm not sure, but I can check," she nods, turning to the computer for the catalogue.
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realizes she's oblivious, such an innocent sweet girl. "It's a vintage Victorian mag of smutty short stories. Pretty famous. I'm doing a
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study on sexuality, you see." She is trying to lean forward a bit more to get a good look at the girl hiding behind the counter. She was
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such a pretty young thing.
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blunks at that, cheeks turning a little pink. "O-oh, I see. Well I don't see it in print.. but it does seem to be in our e-book and pdf
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library..." she nods, looking back up at her.
Amelia gives
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her a slow smile, tilting her head a little. "How do I go about getting that then hun? Could you help me out?" She is admiring her rather
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openly now, though she isn't sure the girl will notice at all.
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hums, minimizing her screen and looking back up. "Do you have an e-reader?" she asks, shifting a little in her seat. Something seemed off
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but she couldn't place what.
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smiles at this and nods, "Mhm, Can I use that then?" She pulls her bag up, slipping her hand inside to pull it out. "Say what's your name
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12 years ago
smiles a little back at her. "Yes, you can. Do you have a library card yet?" She blinks up at her. "Oh, I'm sorry. My name is
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Madeline," she smiles.
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nods and smiles, fishing out her wallet. "Here hun. Can you fix me up?" She leans forward to tuck some hair behind her ear.
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"Lovely name~ When do you get off work?"
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smiles, taking the library card and the e-reader to set it up for her. She pauses at the touch though, blushing lightly and leaning back
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awkwardly. "U-uhm... not until later..." she answers, trying to focus on the task at hand. She got hit on sometimes by boys, but she never
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knew how to handle it...
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smiles at her and arches a brow, letting her concentrate. "Got time? I'll treat you to dinner ~"
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blushes a little darker at that, blinking up at her. "" She tried to remind herself that this woman probably just wanted to be friends
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. "I-I guess so... I get off at 6..."
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smiles brighter, showing off pretty white teeth. "Oh that's awesome. I'm going to work for a bit here. I'll pick you up at 6?"
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nods a little, returning to finishing downloading the book for her. "Sure..."
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smiles at her winningly, watching her close. "You're a sweetheart. What'dya like huh? Do you go to the university here?"
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blinks up at her, handing back the e-reader. "O-oh no, I graduated last year and moved here after."
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tilts her head, taking it back from her. "Oh Really? You like it here then? Are you a small town lady huh?"
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nods a little. "I much prefer a small town to a large city. It just feels so much nicer out here," she smiles.
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smiles at this and leans forward to kiss her cheek. "You're a cute girl, I'll see you soon okay~ Don't forget about me yeah?" She is pulling
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back to go get herself seated to 'work'.
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freezes up a little, blushing red. "O-oh uhm... y-yes... see you later.."
12 years ago
smiles and sits in a table close. She starts to take notes as she reads but if anyone actually got close they'd realize she was writing in
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Latin and they were so much notes as her righting down the dirtiest bits that she liked.
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tries to return to her work, though slightly distracted and glancing up now and then. After a while she manages to make herself
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ignore the mysterious woman, though.
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doesn't really like being ignored, though she does get some attention throughout the time she works, people attracted by her- a natrual side
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effect of what she was. She waves them off though. She's already got a delicioius little dinner lined up.
Madeline needs
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to finish her shift out! She's having to remind herself not to look in Alicia's direction though, there was something hypnotizing about her.
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gets done a bit earlier, pouting over at the desk. She was being so incredibly patient. Wasn't she done yet??? She gets up anyways, deciding
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to keep her company. She leans on the counter. "Done soon huh?"
Madeline is
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starting to finish up, only having a half hour left after all. She blinks up when the woman's at the desk again, blushing a little
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though she's not sure why. "U-uh, yeah..."
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smiles down at her. "Can I help you out with anything?" She is amused at how cute she is.
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shifts a little in her seat, shaking her head. "Ah no... I don't have much left to do, I just have to wait for my boss to tell me I'm
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good to go.."
12 years ago
smiles at this and nods, leaning against the counter. "What are you in the mood for then, dinner wise."
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hums a little, shrugging. "Ah, I'm not sure... I haven't explored the city much. What would you reccommend?"
12 years ago
smiles. "There's a little place that has salsa dancing and spicy food. Live DJ tonight even I think. Wanna go there? It's cozy~" And it has
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an amazingly sexy atmosphere. And a some booths that are great for more private moments...
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debates a moment, but nods. "that could be fun..." she didn't often do this kind of thing, so why not right?
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smiles at this and puts her bag over her shoulder. "I think you'll enjoy it~"
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smiles a little up at her, before realizing something. "...o-oh, should I go home and change first?"
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looks her over to see what she has on. "Stand up and let me have a look at you huh?"
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nods, standing so she can see. She was wearing a navy blue pencil skirt, and a white button-up blouse. A little black sweater hung off her
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chai r as well. Nice, but not really a dancing outfit.
Amelia is
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looking her over carefully and she smiles. How she wants to slide that skirt up those thighs. "Oh babe you're gorgeous. I think this is
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incredibly sexy." She gives her a flirtacious smile. "I think I like the sweet librarian look."
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flushes at the compliment, sittin back down. "O-oh well... thank you.." Sexy hadn't really been her goal, but she guessed that was good.
12 years ago
((sorry baby i love you but im passing out kiskisskiss <3))
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smiles at this and nods. "You're welcome. But if you still wanna change I can swing by your house for you I guess." She smiles, indulgent.
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(( Night baby kisskiss ))
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hesitates, but shakes her head. "If you say this is fine, then I suppose it's fine..." Besides, her mum always warned her about letting
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strangers follow her home.
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leans on the counter a bit. "I really like it so I think you'll be okay." She almost reaches out a hand to feel that skirt
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t but it wouldn't do to frighten her.
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nods, smiling a little. "Alright. Well, if you wanna just wait out the ten minutes, I'll be done soon.."
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smiles and nods. "Okay hun. I'll be patient." She figured this pretty lady was very much worth the day of waiting.
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nods, returning to her computer. She figured she'd disappear into the bathroom a moment too to get herself ready... she hadn't been
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anywhere in a while, especially with a lady...
Amelia is
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leaning against the counter checking her own make up at the moment, making sure that her lips were still a lovely kissable red.
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continues working awkwardly, smiling when her supervisor finally comes to let her free. She motions to Alicia that she'll be right back,
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disappearing to the washroom.
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smiles at this and straightens, adjusting her hair and breasts where she stands. She has no shame.
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| Madeline's boss gives her the once over, obviously not approving of the shamelessness. She doesn't say anything though, past
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telling her she needed to leave, as they were locking up.
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smiles at the woman kindly, almost wanting to scare her just a bit-- so she does, eyes flashing for the barest moment red. "Don't worry hun"
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she drawls, "I'm just waitin' for Maddie and I'll be out of your hair."
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| The woman startles a little, though of course does her best not to show it. "Hm,?" she sounds, obviously not impressed and wondering
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why Madeline was hanging out with this sort of person. She finishes locking up the computer system though, returning to her office shortly.
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Madeline comes back out, make-up reapplied, hair primped up a little, and skirt looking like it was pulled up a little too. She wanted to be
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sure she looked good for this without being obvious...
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smiles. She's difficult to fool- she hears the spike in her heartbeat. 'Yes ma'am~" she says as the other walks off to do her job. She looks
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over as Madeline comes back, smiling to herself. Oh the little girl was trying to look pretty for her wasn't she~? That meant no awkward
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convincing her to give women a chance- something Alicia was no stranger too. And oh Alicia intended to take full advantage of this knowledge
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and she reaches out a hand to her. "Ready to go sugar?"
Madeline is
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very open on the subject.. she found herself pulled to either sex so it's easy enough to get her to try it. It was her nerves that were
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getting to her though- this woman was so beautiful she wasn't sure why she was interested. "Y-yeah,"she answers, hesitantly taking her hand.
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smiles at her and walks close to her, looking over at her. "My car is in the lot to the side," she says, humming lightly. She really likes
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the shy types. Maddie suited her wonderfully
12 years ago
12 years ago
nods a little, playing with her clothes as they walked. "O-oh, okay.." she hadn't considered the fact she was just walking into a
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stranger's car, but this woman somehow seemed like she wouldn't kidnap her, so...
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smiles when they approach a red convertible- this car was not inconspicuous enough for a kidnapping car. She does open the door for her. "So
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top down or top up hun?' she asks, opening the door for her.
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blinks at the car, a bit in awe. "T-this is yours...?" she asks, admiring it. "Oh uhm... its up to you, eh..."
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smiles and arches a brow, thinking about it. This girl's hair would look wonderful messed up.... oh but she wanted to be the one that messes
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it up. "Your hair looks so nice. I'll just leave it up." She takes her hand again 'helping' her into the car.
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nods a little, blushing lightly at the compliment. "O-oh, thank you..." she of course had no idea of her plans. She steps
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in to the car, looking around. She'd never ridden in a car so luxurious.
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smiles at this moves to the other side to slide in. She was old enough to have the money to be luxurious. She just had to know the right
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people to sleep with- and steal from... something demons got away with relatively easily. It was a nice car of course. She starts it up.
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of course knows nothing about that. She assumes Alicia has to be some super smart business woman or something. She buckles in, still a
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bit in awe.
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pulls out and is driving now, humming and flipping the cd player on. She glances over at her. "What's your favorite book?"
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hums at this, looking very indecisive. "There are so many good books, I'm not sure I could ever pick one. I really so like Sense and
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Sensibility, though..."
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smiles at this, a curling sort of amused smirk. Romance novels were something Alicia often read through the years- it helped in seducing the
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women who read then. "Do you suppose you are the sensible Elinor or are you impetuous headstrong Marianne?" She glances over at her in the
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chuckles softly, shifting in her seat and not noticing the look. "Eh... I like to think I'm more like Elinor.."
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smiles even more. She'd thought so. "What? No wild and crazy romance for you? No gallant men carrying you off in their carriages?" She
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reaches over to very gently sliding her finger tips down over her wrist to take her hand.
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smiles a little, shrugging. "I'm not sure I'm suited for that sort of thing..." Not that that's not what this was. She blushes at the
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fingers on her wrist though, hesitantly letting her take her hand.
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holds her hand and strokes her hand gently with the pad of her thumb. "I'm sure you are. You need to be swept off of your feet, I think."_
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She's already pulling off into their destination parking lot- the drive wasn't that long, the building just happened to be a bit tucked
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away between other business.
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's cheeks burn red with the gentle touch, pulling her hand away as they enter the parking lot out of embarrassment. She
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glanced up, realizing she had never explored enough of this city.
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laughs softly as she pulls away and parks. "It's tucked around that corner between those large buildings. It's nice." She moves out of the
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car, waiting for her to get out so she could lock the doors.
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blushes a little worse at the laugh, nodding. She climbs out too, fixing her clothes a little while she waits for her to lock it.
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gets the doors locked and moves around the car and slips an arm around her. "It's this way." She leads her down the road, turning the
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corner. There's a sign above some stairs that lead down between the two buildings to a basement area. Halfway down the stairs the music is
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already easy to hear, the smell of spice rather strong as well. "It's a bit sketch seeming at first, I know," she says.
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blushes at the arm around her, reluctantly walking with her. She surveys the place, indeed a little skeeved out. "Yeah, it
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does seem uhm... not very good...."
12 years ago
laughs softly and pulls the door open, the inside full of dancing, lavish decorations, exciting music. She pauses and looks down at her. "If
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you'd rather go somewhere else..." she prompts, tempting her again, with her eyes, her smile, trying to draw the other in. This place was
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just as safe as anywhere but it was just so much easier to get away with naughty things in the lower 'mood lighting' for the booths and with
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the loud music.... really she wanted the girl here. It'd be so....nice~
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blinks as she sees the inside, a little comforted that it seemed nicer in there. "A-ah no... it's alright, we can go here," she nods, a
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little drawn in to her smile already.
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smiles kindly, arm slipping around her waist again. The staff recognize her and she nods to them, heading back to a little corner booth
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with plush red seat that curled in a circle around the table and low lights with a candle in the center. It looked inviting.... and very
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private. "How does this suit you?"
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walks with her, a blush on her cheeks again at the arm around her. She's a little confused at the staff knowing her, wondering how many
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times she'd been here before. She looks over the table, nodding a little. "U-uhm, it's nice...?" she answers, slipping into the seat.
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slips in next to her, reaching for the menu. She leans close, too close almost for this, and shows her the menu. "I recommend this," she
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murmurs softly as she points at the menu. "You'll like it, I bet."
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settles in, though blushing as Alicia leaned in closer. "O-oh... that does look good..." she agrees, taking the menu to look through it.
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smiles and stays close, pretending to look. As much as she wants to ravish the girl right now she's got to at least wait till after they
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12 years ago
hums softly as she looks over the choice, eventually deciding on getting what Alicia had suggested after all.. along with a glass of wine to
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help her nerves.
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smiles at her. "The wine here is excellent." She turns her charm on the waiter when he comes over and tells him their orders, eyes instantly
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returning to Madeline when he's gone. "You look lovely, Miss Madeline," she murmurs, "Especially in candlelight." she is taking the girl's
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hand again.
12 years ago
nods, sitting back in her seat as Alicia orders for them, a little surprised at how receptive the waiter was to her. She flushes
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at the compliments though, squirming a little in the attention. "O-oh uhm... t-thank you miss but you are far more lovely...."
12 years ago
smiles at her and slides a hand up, hovering just above her. "May I touch your hair?" she asks softly, imploringly. "It's so forward of me
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but your hair is just gorgeous. I'm jealous." She smiles. "I'm flattered though, that you think I'm pretty."
12 years ago
blinks up at her, cheeks red. "I-I uhm... i-if you want to...?" she answers, not used to that. She smiles timidly though. "Y-you are pretty
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though y-you have no reason to be jealous though.." she sputters out.
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smiles at her, fingers sliding into her hair gently, eyes studying her face. "You're gorgeous. There is plenty of reasons to be jealous of a
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gorgeous lil lady like you." She bites her lip for the barest moment and very gently presses a kisses to her cheek, perhaps grazing the side
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of her mouth. "Oh you're so lovely. Thank you for coming out with me." The feeling in her voice is real contrary to what people like to
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think about people of her kind. She loved humans rather a lot and therefore loved her job.
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flushes darkly at the little kiss, shifting a bit in her seat in embarrassment. "T-that's uhm..." she refrains from denying it,
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thinking that's probably not good date etiquette. "Y-you're welcome, uhm, thank you for inviting me..." She of course knows nothing
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about the contrary in her voice, thinking this woman was oddly enamoured with her and not knowing why.
Amelia is
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enamored with her rather, just perhaps there's more to it than she expects. She wraps her arm around her shoulders, keeping her close. "You
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are most welcome. We should make sure this isn't a once only sort of thing right?"
12 years ago
flushes at that, shifting in her seat. "U-uhm... i-if you would like to..." She's definitely not used to this sort of attention.
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smiles at this and lets her fingertips trace her jawline. "May I have a kiss, before we eat~?" She wanted to taste her before she had food
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taste in her mouth. "I've wanted to kiss you all day."
12 years ago
blushes a little darker, looking unsure. "A-aren't first date kisses reserved for the end of the night...?"
12 years ago
blushes a little darker, looking unsure. "A-aren't first date kisses reserved for the end of the night...?"
12 years ago
((sorry, phones acting up))
Amelia gives
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her an almost shy smile. "I'm not sure who decided that but..." She leans a bit closer. "Wouldn't you prefer one now too? Before we both
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taste like food?"
12 years ago
shifts a little in her seat, debating. "...I-I suppose that makes sense.." she slowly conceeds.
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still moves in slow, wanting to make the tension build. She presses their lips together and gives a shuddering breath against her mouth. Oh
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yes, this girl was going to be absolutely delicious.
12 years ago
closes her ees long before their lips meet, licking hers in nerves before feeling soft lips against hers. She makes a soft sound, kissing
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back gently, unsure of her skill in this area.
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clearly isn't thinking of skill at the moment, taking advantage of the pliant lips under her and deepening the kiss after a few amazing
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moments of just their lips togehter like that. She was going to enjoy this woman to the fullest- more than once, if she could possibly
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manage it.
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gasps softly as Alicia deepens the kiss, reluctantly going along with it... after all, this somehow felt like the best kiss she'd ever
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had. She nervously clings to the table with one hand though, for a dash of reality.
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takes control, sliding their tongues together and shivering at how she responded to her. She is exploring eagerly now, fingers in the pretty
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girl's hair. She is interupted by someone clearing their throat awkwardly and she pulls back, licking her lips. Oh the human food was here.
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moans softly, starting to lose herself... up until the interruption, that is. She startles and pulls back, face bright red as she
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realized her embarrassing position.
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smiles at the waiter, who gives them both a mildly amused look that coul be scolding or could be jealousy. She laughs as he leaves. "He was
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jealous I had such a sexy lady with me~"
12 years ago
can feel her cheeks burning, looking down at the table when she notices his look. "I-I don't think that was jealousy..." she replies,
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obviously having read it as a scolding look and feeling rather embarrassed.
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laughs softly and looks over at her. "couldn't you see the way he looked you over," she asks, amused. "How his eyes traveled over your well,
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blouse," she says, though it's clear she means the other's ample chest.
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shifts a little in her seat, though flustering a bit worse at the implication and covering her chest with her hands. "I-I'm sure that
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wasn't it..."
12 years ago
can't help but chuckle softly tucking the woman's hair back behind her ears. "I'm sure though. I can tell that sort of thing." She offers
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her her glass of wine. "Cheers?"
12 years ago
blushes still, humming a little. She doesn't argue though, nodding a little and slowly raising her glass. " what?"
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smiles at her, eyes bright and lips smudged red from their kissing. "To an enchanted meeting~" she says, rasing her glass and arching a
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brow. Seemed like something to celebrate to her.
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's eyes dart down to her lips, realizing her lipstick is probably messed up too now. She blinks at that offer, nodding in agreement
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as she clinked her glass to Alicia's, though she wondered if that's really what this is.
Amelia thinks
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it definitely is an enchanted meeting- though Alicia wasn't a particularly 'good' sort of enchanted. At least Maddie had the good fortune
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that it was Alicia and not some more destructive sort of monster. She takes a long drink of the wine and sets it down again. "Please eat~"
12 years ago
hums softly as she sips her wine, enjoying it. She nods at the suggestion, smiling and trying her food. "Ooh, this is delicious," she
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comments, to let Alicia know she liked the choice.
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smiles at this and looks quite pleased. "I'm glad you like it. I wouldn't want to drag you out to some sketch little place for nothing huh?"
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_ says with a wink as she too starts to eat. "I really love it here. The outside is scary but the inside is nice."
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smiles a little at that. "Yeah... I probably would never have come here, to be honest." She tried to avoid sketchy looking places.
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smiles at her. "Don't worry. Even if this place was actually sketch, I could protect you. I'm a... blackbelt in karate." That sounded much
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better than "a nearly invisible pleasure demon with razor teeth and claws and a nasty habit of flying when the fight was two difficult two
12 years ago
12 years ago
would be rather startled at the truth, though she laughs a little at the lie. "Oh, that's good to know eh?"
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smiles at her and takes her hand, kissing her knuckles. "I'm at your service Miss Madeline. I'll keep you safe."
12 years ago
blinks, blushing red at the kisses. "O-oh uhm, thank you..."
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smiles at her and returns to her food, humming in delight. She was going to wait for the other to finish for trying for a quick 'dessert'.
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smiles softly, returning to her food and eating quietly. It really was delicious.
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devours her own rather quickly, not really needed it but enjoying the taste. Her whole attention was mostly for Madeline at this point. She
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just needed another opening.
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eats slower, of course, savouring the taste of it. After a while longer she's finally done, pushing her plate back a little and taking a sip
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of her wine.
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sips her own wine as well. She smiles over at her as she finishes her food, snaking an arm around her waist. "Tell me your hobby huh?"
12 years ago
blinks, blushing lightly at the arm around her. "O-oh uhm... I guess I like to read, most..."
12 years ago
smiles at this. "Tell me about what you like to read then~" she coos, her other hand on her knee.
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hums a little. "Romances, mostly... sometimes I really like sci-fi, if it's done right... what are your hobbies?"
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smiles at her. "I like reading too~ I like cowboys though, and space. I really like watching space movies and reaching comics. Do you like
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space movies huh?" she's trying to pull the girl closer now.
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hums at this, blushing a little darker as she's pulled closer. "U-uh... I like Firefly, that's in space..?"
12 years ago
smiles at this. "I like that too. Do you want to come over and watch stuff with me sometime?" She has a hand sliding up her thigh now.
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shivers lightly at the hand on her thigh, pulling her legs shut shyly. "U-uhm... t-that might be nice..." she nods. She didn't know many
12 years ago
other fans.
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lifts her chin. "I'd treat you right," she says, and her eyes are kind, earnest, as she leans down to press their mouths together again.
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blinks up at her when her chin's lifted, not quite sure how to react past blushing darkly. She doesn't protest the kiss though, making a
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soft embarrassed sound as she kisses back.
Amelia is
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so incredibly amazingly happy that this sweet lady wants to kiss her back. With some people it takes more, they're more receptive to her
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demonic nature and it puts them off. She just wants to take this little one home and keep her as a pet. She deeps the kiss, fingers stroking
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her thighs as she does. She wants this human so very bad that it's hard for her to take her normal slow time winning her first.
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couldn't tell her why, but found herself quite attracted to Alicia. It didn't hurt that the woman was positively stunning, of course. She
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hums softly against her lips as Alicia deepens the kiss, fingers coming up to cling to the woman's shirt timidly. She shivers slightly with
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the fingers on her thighs though, shying away in hesitation from that touch.
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keeps kissing her, feeling her shy away and backing off a bit, hand sliding instead to slip up her side, resting now on her shoulder before
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sliding back down to her hip. She slides her tongue into Maddie's mouth and tastes her eagerly.
Madeline is
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much more comfortable with that, making a soft sound into the kiss as she touched her tongue against Alicia's.
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smiles when she becomes comfy again, , She moves closer, catching her tongue and sucking on it gently. She's pressing their chests flush
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against each other now, a bit of a feat in their limited space. The salsa music is playing still, which she hopes will help her to not be
12 years ago
12 years ago
slowly moves with her, moaning softly as she feels Alicia pressed up against her. The music was indeed helping her relax, in her mind
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erasing the fact there were people all around them... at least for the moment.
Amelia is
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slowly pressing her down against the bench beneath them, very soon having the girl stretched out beneath her. She keeps kissing her, her own
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tongue rather... agile because this was what she was built for perhaps. She slides her hand up her side again, the tip of her thumb just
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barely sliding over the underside of her breast. So light it seems like an accident.
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can't help but move with her, soon finding herself pressed against the bench seat. She whimpers into the kiss as she starts to realize what
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happened, shivering at the light hand brushing against her breast. She flushes red, trying to break the dizzying kiss to pant for air.
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breaks from her mouth to stare down at her, her own cheeks flushed bright. She drinks in the sight, shivering at how attractive she looked
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like this. She shivers visibly but gets the feeling that it might be difficult to convince this girl to go much further with her in a public
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place. "I-I'm sorry," she murmurs almost shyly. "God you're just so beautiful. I can't help myself..." She licks her lips and looks away
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biting at her own lip to keep from showering the poor startled woman with compliments on her taste.
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pants beneath her, cheeks flushed and clothes rumpled, a bit of dazed surprise in her expression. She starts to speak, but Alicia beats her
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to it and she just manages to blush darker. "I-I uhm... i-it's okay... I kinda liked it...." she admits shyly, biting her lip. Though
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indeed there was no way she would go further here.
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smoothes her hands down her body again under the guise of straightening her clothes. She very lightly pecks her jaw. "... I haven't had a
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kiss that amazing in a while-" This part was true at least. Madeline was just precisely the type that Alicia loved the taste of and she
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didn't find these people nearly enough for her taste. ".... come home with me please," she entreats her quietly.
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blushes still, but lets her straighten out her clothes, pulling back enough to sit back up before anyone could come over and spot them. She
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fidgets a little at the compliments, not used to it. "I-I don't think I've ever had a kiss that nice..." she replies shyly, eyes widening
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a little at the request. "I-I uhm...." she hesitates, obviously wanting to, but she didn't want to be a one night stand to anyone, even a
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woman like this. "I-I'm not usually that kind of girl, miss...."
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smiles and lets her sit up, moving with her and sitting up as well. Her eyes gleam at what she says, hands on her face, tilting her head up
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to look into her face. "It was such a nice kiss wasn't it?" She tilts her head and gives her a pleading expression. "You can feel it though,
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that I'm different right? That I'm not going to let you go after one night." She strokes her thumb over her cheekbone.
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flushes darker as her face is tilted up, unable to help but look into Alicia's eyes and see her pleading expression. "I-I...." she shivers
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lightly at the thumb, shifting a little in her seat. "...p-promise?" she mumbles, slowly but easily giving in. She wanted to taste more of
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this intoxicating woman.....
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smiles at her, big blue eyes gleaming with sincerity. She certainly intended to keep this little woman as long as she could manage. "I
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promise." She kisses her lips lightly again, fingers sliding along her jaw. "You perfect, sweet angel. Want to go now?"
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blushes still and kisses back, nodding gently. "W-we should pay the pill first.." she mumbles, smiling softly.
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smiles and kisses her again. "I'll do that hun, just get ready to go yeah?" She pulls back, standing and working her way to the cashier to
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pay for them both.
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blinks at that, nodding a little. "I-I could have paid for my own..." she protests softly, though it's too late as Alicia is halfway to it
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already. She gathers her belongings, finishing off her wine with one big gulp and waiting for her to come back.
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comes back after a moment, of course having her little plea, senses stronger than human. She'd pretend she didn't and that the thought of
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not treating the girl had never occured to her. She offers her a hand to help her out of the booth.
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of course had no idea about that. She blushes lightly and takes her hand, stepping up to follow her out.
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keeps her hand in Maddie's as she leads them back up to the street and out to her little car. "Tell me more about yourself okay?' she says
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as she helps the other slide into her car.
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follows after her, cheeks stained permanent red, she thinks. "O-oh uhm... there's not a lot to tell.. I'm a librarian who likes to read...
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I just moved here recently, I guess...?" She didn't consider herself interesting. "I-I'd rather hear about you..."
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climbs into the other side and buckles in, humming quietly. "I think that's very interesting, a sweet little lady like you moving here by
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herself to do the job she wants." She looks over at her and smiles. "Not much to tell about me really: Rich family left behind me enough
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money to do what I want. I dabble in business and have few little patisserie that I profit off of, but I don't actually operate any of
12 years ago
12 years ago
buckles in, settling in her seat. "I-I suppose..." she agrees reluctantly. She blinks up at her though. "Oh... well that is still nice,
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though.. At least you have the freedom to do whatever," she smiles.
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laughs softly, "I suppose that's true." She gives her an almost sheepish smile as she starts to drive. "I'm a bit impetuous and I chase the
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things that make me happy. I'm selfish." She shrugs. She didn't mind it- it was just a fact of her nature.
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laughs softly at that; she had noticed some of that already. "W-well, that just means you'll be happy, yeah?"
Amelia is
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driving them out of town just a little ways to a road with a rather large gate. She smiles. "I definitely try to always be happy." She
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slows and leans out to ring a bell on the gate. It opens. It was mostly for show than for safety to be fair. "I live at the end of this
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drive," she says, humming gently as she pulls into the driveway, gate swinging shut after. The road is continues before the trees break
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revealing a rather nice old brick building.
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watches out the window as they drive, her mind overworking itself as she panicked over whether she was making a good decision or not. She
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blinks up in amazement at the cute gated property, smiling at the brick. "You like old world style, then?" she asks, admiring the house.
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can feel her vague panic, part of her intune to that sort of thing because of what she is. She reaches over and holds her hand as she parks_
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, smiling. Once they're stopped she nods and laughs. "Inherited my taste from my family too," she says, leaning forward to murmur in her ear
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, "Have you ever made love on a four poster bed with silk sheets?"
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laughs softly at the inheritance comment, a little intimidated by the house to be honest. She flushes bright red at the question though,
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only able to shake her head. "I-I uh.... c-can't say that I have..." she answers timidly.
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smiles at this and kisses her cheek. "Well let's go inside then huh? We can do something about that." She climbs out of the car and comes
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around to help her out.
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flushes still at that, hesitating a moment before climbing out of the car as well, taking Alicia's hand for 'help.'
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squeezes her hand and shuts the car door before leading her up the steps, and unlocking the door. The inside is decorated lavishly, no
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expense spared. Alicia was a creature of pleasure and it showed. She is kissing at her mouth now as she leads the girl up the stairs. It's
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a bit slower gowing like that but she likes kissing and she's waited so long....!
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gasps as she walks in after her, looking around to try and take in her surroundings. This place was gorgeous! Before she could say as much
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though, Alicia's lips are pressed against hers again and all that comes out is a whimper. She kisses her back, following timidly and
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trying to make sure not to trip and make them both fall in the unfamiliar territory.
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finally picks the poor dear up, holding her close and carrying her up the stairs. She leads her to her room, mouth still on Maddie's
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as she stumbles into her own room.
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startles as she's picked up, instinctively clinging to Alicia for balance. She manages to not break the kiss though, instead deepening it
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and ignoring the house they were walking through in favour of this gorgeous woman.
Amelia is
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incredibly distracted by the woman now claiming her mouth that way and finally carefully stretches her out across her bed. Since this woman
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so very clearly wanted her, she wastes no time in climbing on top of her, hands tracing the frame of her body.
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gasps softly as she's set down on the bed, shivering lightly as the woman's hands trail up her body. She gently buries a hand in her
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hair, timidly nipping at her lip, unsure if the woman would like that.
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moans at the nip, having not been sure if this woman would be okay with that. She gasps and nips back, taking her lip between her teeth and
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tugging just the teensiest bit before breaking from her mouth to trail kisses down her jaw.
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gasps with how well the woman reacts to it, whimpering softly in pleasure at the tug. She can't help but tilt her head back as Alicia kisses
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her jaw, inviting more.
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slides both hands up her stomach, soon smoothing over her breasts and then squeezing those gorgeous breasts as she nips and tugs at her
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earlobe. "Ahhhh you feel amazing."
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squirms a little under her with those hands roaming over her body, moaning and arching into the touch. She shivers with the mouth on
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her ear. "A-ah... Alicia..." she breathes out in reply, not sure what to say.
Amelia gives
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a lusty moan at this, loving the sound of her name on this girl's lips. She moves to sit up just a bit, slowing undoing her blouse. "Yes
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Miss Madeline~?"
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's cheeks are flushes red already, hands falling to Alicia's shoulders as she glanced down at her fingers undoing the buttons on her
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blouse. "I-I uhm... d-don't stop..." she stumbles, not actually have had anything to say.
Amelia gives
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her a wicked smile, leaning down to kiss and lick at every bit of explosed skin as she goes, tongue sliding between her breasts as she
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gets the blouse undone far enough. She even dips her tongue down into her belly button as she traces a line where her top comes apart.
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blushes darker at that wicked little grin, squirming lightly beneath her. She shivers as Alicia traces a line down her skin, letting out
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soft pleased sounds and gasping at the tongue in her belly button.
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pushes her top open and her hands slide up under her bra to grope her breasts. She slides up her body again and nips at her mouth. "I'll
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only stop if you want me to," she says, wanting her to repeat her delicious words. "You don't want that do you?" she asks as she pushes her
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knee between her thighs.
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whimpers, clinging a little tighter at the squeeze, but not stopping her. "I-I don't want you to..." she mumbles in embarrassment, moaning
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at the knee pressing up against her. "P-please, Alicia..."
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grins, so incredibly worked up now by how gorgeous and perfect this woman is. She presses their lips together, attacking her mouth with
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kisses as her hands start massaging and caressing her breasts. "mmmmm~!" Her knee presses and rubs a bt, Maddie's skirt inching up her legs
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in the process.
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moans as Alicia claims her mouth, shifting to press up against the knee between her legs. She can feel her skirt riding up, revealing cute
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pink panties with little white polka dots, matching her bra. She finds it hard to think, clinging to Alicia's shirt as she kissed her back.
Amelia is
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loving that this girl is allowing her to touch her so eagerly and readily. She sucks at her tongue and moans eagerly, before she moves her
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hands around and presses close to undo her bra and pulls her up enough to start pushing her shirt and bra completely off.
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moans and moves with her as she sucks on her tongue, fingers tightening in the woman's shirt. She sits up with her help, blushing darker as
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she shifts, helping take her top off and finally getting a clear enough head to reach out and start removing Alicia's clothes.
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pauses at this, letting the other take her top off and grinning. "Oh baby. You're so sexy,' she coos at her while she's letting the other
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expose her skin, hand sliding over those exposed breasts. She tilts her head back and arches up toward Maddie's hands.
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