once every few days/weeks I get MASS EFFECT FEELS
latest #27
just finished my speedrun replay of ME2 the other night
not accidentally screwed up almost perfect ending like last time
interacting with the crew after the suicide mission I really felt like shit for having messed up previously
that awkward moment when: you take poor in-game decisions to be actual reflections on your moral integrity
anyhoo I installed Uncharted 2 last night and was gonna take a break before ME3
then my friend linked me to a half-off ME3 sale
then reminded me that the extended cut dlc drops today
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu NATHAN DRAKE CAN WAIT
also he was like, we can MP together!
and that was compelling >_>
I have ridiculous social anxieties that extend into gaming
ergo, I don't play MMOs cuz I don't enjoy playing with strangers
despite everything I'M NOT READY
I will have so many Kaidan feels
gorgeous chillstep is my musical companion to Mass Effect
eyes legit got a little wet
trying really hard not to have a nerdseizure at work
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