Hey! I don't think I got to say hi before.
waves I'm Sarah.
Nice to meet you.
I haven't seen you around much.
I've had exams but they're all over now.
Yeesh. Well you've got all this time between now and August 23rd (?) to relax.
i guess but i do have to work sigh
still, at least i don't have to feel guilty about spending forever on the internet
I'm in year 10 so I've done a few controlled assessments, and 5% of both my RS and Geography. But nothing major like you, nope.
well I'm sure you'll do gloriously
did you take IT or textiles?
I don't take IT or textiles. Why?
because they are the two most awful subjects to ever be invented by humankind
my school required me to take IT and a DT. I'm surprised I survived the experience.
.....Nope. Geography wins all the prizes for worst GCSE subject ever. (out of the ones I had a choice about anyways)
Ooh, nasty shudders I'd have been seriously messed up if I'd have had to do IT and DT
yh, I didn't take geography...my yr 9 geography teacher was a demon from deepest pits of hell, it kind of put me off
I'm really bad at coursework, I think, that's what made IT and textiles so bad, I'm just really lazy
plus i had crap teachers for both so...
I don't really take any coursework subjects, only controlled assessments. I don't really take any 'arty' subjects at all.
Probably because I wanted to die but also because I suck at art/creativity/making stuff.
my textiles coursework was hideous
i mean, i dropped art for a reason
....I'm sort of scared of the art department. And someone tried to explain to me once what textiles was about but I never quite got it.
Something about sewing? XD
yh, it's, like, making clothes and stuff
i spent most of yr 9 in art detention because i never did the projects they set because my disastrousness at the subject depresessed me
that kind of made me avoid the art department ever since
I spent too much of my time doing Art homework in Year 9 in retrospect. I was such a stressy 13 year old, giving myself so much work.
yh, I didn't do any work...yr 9 was a very very bad year. I think most of my teachers hated me.
although admittedly all the subjects I mucked up in were subjects I hated and then dropped. Except English...I couldn't drop that
I was a very diligent and good student Years 7-( and then the internet happened and I got progressively worse and worse and more lazy.
I'd be far better off if I could have just put that into reverse. I worked much more than I needed to when I was younger and now I work less
yh, English is a good subject, I'm just incredibly crap at it
I had problems in school when i was, like, yr 2. Yr 6-8 was good but deteriorating and yr 9 was disastrous. I've improved since then though.
I like to think I'm a fairly good student now although I had to give up tumblr for a bit to make me study.
Oh, yeah. From 2013 onwards for mocks and GCSEs I'll need to get someone to lock me out so I get my grades.
*lock me out of tumblr and plurk
I changed my password to something long and complicated and put it in a sealed box on top of my wardrobe for tumblr.
I have to go now! But it was lovely getting to know you!
(and that sounds like an awesome idea XD)
I was technically allowed on plurk but I worked incredibly hard not to procrastinate.