Man when did apps become novels
Did you decide where you wanted to app?
not for sure yet, I was just looking at some of the stuff for hollyheights
some of the older apps sent in
why would you need four comments omg
I know apps are like, an important thing, especially when you haven't played a character before
how they help give you a better understanding etc
but dang, they are so annoying to write
I kind of like writing them
Once I get into the swing of it
Haha, well I haven't written one in years, maybe it won't be so bad now
I just... it's the personality section
I can only think of so many things to say in those
I feel like it helps me flesh out my understanding of the character when I do it
it totally helps, but nnghh I always get writers block during them
So people saying "I want CR with you" means they want to tag and plot with you
awww, one day someone will say that to me!
Spiderman, you have so much swag
do you remember that video?
spiderman has just made you gay
That is an internet classic
sorry i was reading upthread about long apps and, well, my LJ RP experience was Damned. Damned apps are DISSERTATION length
Oh god, I remember wanting to app at damned and then just NOPE'ing out when I saw how long the apps were
thing is, since damned was my first i thought that was NORMAL.
and then i had trouble apping elsewhere because it felt like cheating