Hypnotoad asks
15 years ago
Is there a command that wipes your hard drive? I thought there was. Im tryin to re-install my operating system on the server
latest #8
foxpur says
15 years ago
Depends on what OS it was and what one it will be.
15 years ago
linux acctually, xubuntu to be exact
foxpur says
15 years ago
from linux to linux?
foxpur says
15 years ago
Basically just format the partition from the boot disk. That will do it.
Hypnotoad is
15 years ago
that like just re-installing?
foxpur says
15 years ago
Part of the reinstall is HD config where you can re-format and change partition settings. Which you would know if you actually watched me.
15 years ago
oh i watched you...what i didnt was understand what i was looking at :-P its alright though, I found out how to write over all the code
15 years ago
and re-install
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