✗inru Mikaelson hates
12 years ago
Hypocrites. Telling me "nvm. I not angry, just telling you only. Tc" & then begin me attack on my
latest #6
✗inru Mikaelson
12 years ago
Boyf. Wtf, if you are not happy, just speak it to me! It's just 8 numbers anyway, who gives a shit about it? Don't say sweet nothings to me
✗inru Mikaelson
12 years ago
& then attack me behind my back, gather some guts & come confront me
✗inru Mikaelson
12 years ago
About it, stop hiding user your mother's vagina & kpkb non-stop like a tiger & behaves like a meek little kitten when you're confronted!
✗inru Mikaelson
12 years ago
You are a gutless asshole yourself yet you want to call people names & find trouble, then you want to hide under your mother's vagina,
✗inru Mikaelson
12 years ago
✗inru Mikaelson
12 years ago
Can't you just freaking grow up? Shit face! Fuck you, mega balls nutsack! _|_ for you!
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