XDDD omg...can I re-plurk this
That's amazing. I'm replurking it.
Given the number of slugs that crawl up into my house, I'm strongly tempted to do this. it'll confuse my cats, though. XD
Can't argue with this method.
Beautifully darwinist. May the best slug survive and gain entry to the house.
lmfao omg. I wish I knew who this person was, solely because I want to hear what happened to the slugs hahaha
Oh, my jaw dropped when I read that
If only you could do that to deter silverfish....
aww. I like slugs, but... gotta protect your house! come forth, worthy slugs
does that picture have the dead slug in it......
I just want to see updates on this. Like, I would like to watch a slug successfully navigate it
Yes, I want to see if any slug makes it
LMAO way to make dealing with slugs hilariously entertaining
... I may need to do this.
They crawl under my bed and die, so maybe I should give them a worthy death too
much more sporting (and less damaging) than just throwing poisons out
though, that maze seems pretty unfair, for a starting maze XD
slugs aren't very good at maneuverability, people!
Hey, no one said it was easymode.
But yeah... maybe something with more curves and less sharp angles
they're just going to crawl straight through the salt anyway xD;
To that slug:
Slugs give me the craaaaawling heebie jeebies. So the slugophobe in me is appreciative of these defenses.
And the fantasy-lover in me is appreciative of the tiny paper armaments.
That second pic looks more like poop to me Ewwww
Poor carpet :x that must be hard to clean from it x.x
LOL YES LOVE THIS. Though I had no idea people had issues with SLUGS of all things coming into their houses. ._.
I think it might have to do with the trail that they leave behind. And in certain cases, dying in unfortunate places. =|a
I just didn't think things like slugs came into people's houses in the first place haha! :V
Neither did I. Just thought they were out and about not doing much, except perhaps hanging around people's gardens and exterior walls?
But seems like they're persistent little buggers if they actually get into people homes.
We usually have those stuff under doors... so I guess they can't get in in the first place
"May the odds ever be in your favour!"
this the slug version of "The Hunger Games"?
Spelled defense wrong but....considering the lovely maze, I'll forgive it
"defence" is an acceptable spelling
Acceptable in that it is accepted
Oooh, that's the British spelling!
XD Oh this is mess up I like slugs but this is inventive I'm not going to lie.
That is amazing.
I hate slugs so bad, The sadistic horrid person inside of me supports this idea.
I once had to go around and kill all the invasive slugs at my grandma's house (outside, fortunately)
but this is the best idea
wildarms: Snails are too OP for this gauntlet.
now I'm imagining a snail withdrawing into its shell as armor and going all samus aran on this maze
I'd like to see if this works for ants.
my house used to have an ant problem
the ones I had can't pass by cinnamon
so instead of an obstacle course, it could be a deathtrap
I once spent two days ont he verge of a nervous breakdown trying to get rid of ants in my kitchen with cream of tartar, vinegar, soap....
so I googled it and tried cinnamon
also it made the kitchen smell nice UuU
oh god i am legit afraid of slugs I WOULDN'T EVEN MANAGE THIS
wildarms: lmfao the first time I saw that it was a GIANT GIF and scared the hell out of me
me too! I was like "omg WTF"
I don't even remember the context of me opening it.
my computer was an old tank back then
the thing nearly exploded trying to load it
and then I saw it and was like oh... that wasn't so bad.
this is pretty great. does cinnamon sugar suffice for keeping ants out? D: /has such a problem with ants
According to ehow the sugar will attract the ants to the cinnamon which will kill them.
Now that it's a day later, I wonder if there were any other slug competitors.
I don'y think cinnamon kills ants, it just keeps them away
Yeah, I never saw dead ants around cinammon, they just don't seem to like it. If you want something to kill ants, there's always
oh cinnamon sugar sounds like a bad idea then. >>
Now that I see it, what happened in the end? How many slugs came through the maze?
but I find it's bug repelling properties to be a myth
with the amount you supposedly have to use to make it work it's not worth it.
but I have managed to find the cheapest site to sell it if anyone's interested