Puppy Giggles
12 years ago
So apparently I may be able to go to Natsucon? I just looked at the website, and it's currently only $15 for the entry fee for one day...
latest #13
Puppy Giggles
12 years ago
It'd be during the weekend of band camp, which could actually be a good thing since I will now have something to look forward to that week.
Puppy Giggles
12 years ago
I'd just go for the Saturday to poke around and look at stuff and..well it seems like it could be really fun!
12 years ago
Umm yeah you should totes go.
12 years ago
And thanks for reminding me to prereg, I would've forgotten. xD
Puppy Giggles
12 years ago
Happy to help!
Puppy Giggles
12 years ago
So who do we know that's going?
rad banana
12 years ago
Puppy Giggles
12 years ago
Puppy Giggles
12 years ago
Okie dokie definitely going.
Puppy Giggles
12 years ago
Just gotta get stuff paid for and such.
12 years ago
Basically everyone at ASTL.
12 years ago
But most importantly, me. ;D
Puppy Giggles
12 years ago
Okie dokie! 8D
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