that's what the little blonde Varia boy is for.
what is causing his stress.
Luss-nee, maybe you should work out.
the rotten melon should just go die in a corner~
/points to Bel/ "that's what causing my stres~ "
pats Mammas should. "You and everyone else."
Then take out your stress on the stressor~
frowns. "The prince doesn't cause stress to anyone~"
Well~ A dirty melon is stressing the prince out~ let me take up your advise. Shishi~
sighs and rubs head/ "and here comes more stress~~"
"Let us just avoid any unecessary fights. Daemon-san, perhaps thee should leave."
looks at Basil with a grin. He's having fun, though.
Let's try it, princeling.
oh there goes my stress level~
dump water on Bel-senpai if he trips him.
You should like a freaking pervert. Stop .
wel bel-chan does bring a good point ~
"The prince always has a good point~"
sips his water. "Not always ."
Bel-chan... just settle down~
shakes his head. "Nuh-uh."
shrugs. "whatever. The prince is leaving."
's snickering. He was asking for a fight, not a fuck, but whatever he wants to think.
at least this time nothing broke~
glares at Daemon. That troublemaker irks him a lot.
doesn't even care at this point. Fight, Fuck, whatever.
glad bel-chan didn't fight~
leaves the room to get away from him. He wonders if Bel-dono will be alright. They never found out what was bugging him in the first place.
shrugs at the glare, smirking, twirling his hair around a finger. Hm. Tempers were fun to play with.
turns to Daemon/ " I think you should leave...home-wrecker.~"
(pfft, I can imagine Luss doing the finger and head roll now...)
walks up to Daemon. "So what is it? Fight or Fuck? I can go for the latter right now."
shocked by what Bel said. He could at least pick someone better.
chokes a little on his water. Bel-senpai's so vulgar.
offers Luss a very polite smile and a wink, tipping an imaginary hat. "All in a day's work, m'lady."
returns the wink with a smile/ "yea- no... please home wrecker just leave~" /waves/
waited for the demented melon's answer.
Bel an amused look. "Jaa ne, then, pretty boy."
shrugs uniterestedly. "Whatever."
seems to remember a little spar earlier where that was disproven, Liebling.
thinks 12 years ago
he'd have a hard time against all of them together. /doesn't know of the Daemon from the Shimon arc/
doesn't really mind the spar but he rather not do it infront of Luss-nee.
offers a wide smirk and spreads his arms in an elaborate shrug. He's not bothered by the animosity.