Em ❦
12 years ago
Sick :-( Can't even enjoy my favorite weather.
latest #23
artreyu says
12 years ago
sayang (cozy)
Em ❦
12 years ago
(cozy) Hey, where can I see civil wedding pics? :-P
artreyu says
12 years ago
ohh haha need to upload those soon :-P
Em ❦
12 years ago
artreyu: Hee hee, love the most recent upload though. (heart_beat)
12 years ago
gloomy and humid?
Em ❦
12 years ago
kalsangikid: cloudy and windy
Vectorbot says
12 years ago
perfect time to sleep in
[ sphinxy ] says
12 years ago
awww (cozy) get well soon to noom on awesome food1
Em ❦
12 years ago
vectorbot: yeah, chose to work from home today but can't even lie down properly cos of stuffy nose haha
Em ❦
12 years ago
b13ssedbe: Oh man, yessss. Enjoying egg drop soup now, fried rice, and some fish. Forgot to take pics though :-P
[ sphinxy ] says
12 years ago
mmmm egg drop souppp
❤ Hezra 宝井蘭泉 says
12 years ago
(cozy) hope you get well soon
12 years ago
sobrang horrible ng weather! It's cloudy and windy but hot and humid! it'
Em ❦
12 years ago
crisgee: LOL, not hot and humid naman. (unsure)
12 years ago
it's humid here in QC.
12 years ago
12 years ago
dito sa ateneo, dami kasing puno, parang jungle
Paul David says
12 years ago
poor thing.
長谷雄 says
12 years ago
hannna says
12 years ago
what weather is that? :-( and....egg drop soup??
Em ❦
12 years ago
hannna: Cloudy and windy :-)) Today rainy though. Aw, I'm sure you know egg drop soup!!
hannna says
12 years ago
ohh does it just mean soup with egg? haha
Em ❦
12 years ago
Hee hee, technically en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eg... :-D
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