Haru is
12 years ago
working on another cosplay~
latest #35
12 years ago
12 years ago
As am I.
Daemon says
12 years ago
Mou, Haru-chan, tell me it isn't fruit or animals again...
Haru says
12 years ago
Nope! This time Haru is going to attempt on something completely different. /pause for dramatic effect/ Aliens!
Daemon gives
12 years ago
her a long, unreadable look. He clears his throat. "The green kind?"
Haru wonders
12 years ago
what Daemon means by that. She always thought aliens came in all sorts of funky colours.
12 years ago
blinks and then nods. Well, at least she won't be in some green zentai with antennaes... "What've you got in mind?"
12 years ago
shows him some of her sketches. "Purple with long googly eyes!"
12 years ago
stares. He's trying not to laugh. "Googly eyes?"
12 years ago
nods enthusiastically. "Haru was thinking about making it chubby too, but walking around would be a little too difficult..."
Daemon says
12 years ago
wryly, "I think skinny would be perfectly fine. Perhaps some green spots."
Haru asks
12 years ago
Won't that make him look ill?
Daemon says
12 years ago
Not if they're done right. Just some...interest. /why is he enjoying this./
12 years ago
hands him a green colour pencil. "Please show Haru how~"
12 years ago
blanches but nods. Okay, he can do this and maintain some dignity. Carefully he puts a few spots like freckles around joints and face.
12 years ago
watches on intently as he starts adding features onto the drawing. There's nothing like learning from someone who enjoys cosplays too~
12 years ago
only takes a few seconds after adding a little bit of tint like a turtleshell along the back and hands her the pencil back, looking curious.
12 years ago
takes the colour pencil with one hand as she thinks about what the drawing has become. "...Is it a skinny tortoise alien?"
12 years ago
blinks and looks at it thoughtfully. "I just figured some skintone variation for visual interest..."
12 years ago
takes in his comments and nods. "Oh, oh, maybe Daemon-san would like to help Haru with making the costume?"
12 years ago
purses his lips. That's...not quite his thing. But he needs something to occupy his mind (and hands). He's restless.
Daemon says
12 years ago
Alright. Do you have the materials?
12 years ago
rummages through her boxes in the closet and pulls out some bags of cloth and stuffing in them. "Um, this should be enough...probably."
12 years ago
seems thoughtful before he shrugs and nods. "You're the expert."
12 years ago
giggles at the compliment. "Okay, let's pick out the right colours first~ If there's not enough, Haru will get more next time."
Daemon asks
12 years ago
What material are you planning? Form-fitting or knit?
Haru thinks
12 years ago
about it for a moment. "Knitting would be nicer to wear in, but the size means that it's going to take quite a long time though..."
12 years ago
purses his lips. "Lycra and polyester are harder to sew and more uncomfortable. Knits it is."
12 years ago
agrees with a firm nod. "Alright. So let's get started then~" /pulls out several cloths already knit but in different colours/
12 years ago
looks at them thoughtfully and glances at her face to see what she's looking at most carefully. He sort of can't believe he's here.
12 years ago
picks out a light purple and matches it with lime green. She looks at Daemon, as if seeking approval. "How about these two?"
12 years ago
nods. "The purple looks good. Why not just use a little paint for the green? Save the sewing, tint it."
Haru gives
12 years ago
his suggestion some thought. It would be easier to paint it across, but she was afraid that the fabric would be too absorbent...
12 years ago
hums thoughtfully. Primer?
Haru has
12 years ago
never tried that before on her cosplays. "Is it better?"
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