kevlarland says
12 years ago
Just a kiss and people are already shipping....Very strange
latest #41
Lady Ravine
12 years ago
Kev, we ship people who aren't in the same Universe. You two have interacted! XD
kevlarland says
12 years ago
sicksaddaria: Ahuh.
Derek says
12 years ago
it sounded cute though XD
kevlarland says
12 years ago
LAH_LAH: ...............
Derek says
12 years ago
but it did sorry XD
kevlarland says
12 years ago
LAH_LAH: Good grief
Lady Ravine
12 years ago
I was very cute with the sunrise and the pond and everything! <3
Derek says
12 years ago
^^ see... I dont get romance so I need to hear about others haha
kevlarland says
12 years ago
LAH_LAH: Well I guess he was a hopeless romantic. I would have been fine with just a coffee date.
12 years ago
you two are cute
Derek says
12 years ago
and you got coffee and more <3
kevlarland says
12 years ago
Honestly I think he is making a mistake though.
kevlarland says
12 years ago
He can do so much better.
kevlarland says
12 years ago
After a few weeks I'll introduce him some one better suited for him
Derek says
12 years ago
what?? no dont say that dont be down on yourself i'm sure you two are great together give it a chance
kevlarland says
12 years ago
LAH_LAH: It's only logical
Derek says
12 years ago
why is it logical?
kevlarland says
12 years ago
LAH_LAH: A person of his appearance and personality, desreves someone who can match such things.
kevlarland says
12 years ago
He is friendly and happy go lucky type
kevlarland says
12 years ago
Im pretty much his polar opposite.
kevlarland says
12 years ago
Hence why I will lead him to someone else.
Derek says
12 years ago
so, me and my bf are complete opposites but we've been pretty happy for seven years now... you just gotta give it a chance'
kevlarland says
12 years ago
LAH_LAH: Good it work out for you. History and experience says otherwise for me. I like to cut ties before anything roots so to speak
Derek says
12 years ago
but you're barely giving it a chance at least give it a chance... he asked you out so thats gotta mean he likes you right
kevlarland says
12 years ago
LAH_LAH: Im the first guy he asks out. Doesnt mean he has feelings for me. Im just his guide in this side of the pond
Derek says
12 years ago
well I still hope it works out and if it doesnt you'll find someone awesome just stop giving them away
kevlarland says
12 years ago
LAH_LAH: Im fine being alone.
Derek says
12 years ago
You wont always be alone theres someone out there
kevlarland says
12 years ago
LAH_LAH: I dont believe such things. Some humans are born to be alone.
Derek says
12 years ago
I'm a hopeless romantic I guess, I always believed theres someone out there for everyone
12 years ago
Aww sweetheart, you sound like me juist give it a chance...because you know Logic is the beginning of all wisdom, not its end
kevlarland says
12 years ago
LAH_LAH: Well who knows things change. Night
kevlarland says
12 years ago
CrazyIsTheClue: Ahuh. Right
Derek says
12 years ago
night <3
12 years ago
12 years ago
Kev dont you dare do that !!
12 years ago
you deserve to be happy
12 years ago
and if he makes you happy keep him
12 years ago
and you should not tell lies
12 years ago
you're nothing like that
12 years ago
and yes we ship it!!!!
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