kevlarland says
12 years ago
While everyone is on a sexcapade. Im please to report my date went well.
latest #33
12 years ago
12 years ago
Derek says
12 years ago
ooooo excellent :-) any plans for a date 2??
kevlarland says
12 years ago
LAH_LAH: That depends on hime.
kevlarland says
12 years ago
Considering this first date was interesting
kevlarland says
12 years ago
Even though he woke me up around 5 or 6 am for it.
Derek says
12 years ago
well I hope it works out... interesting good i hope?
kevlarland says
12 years ago
I dont function well without coffee
Derek says
12 years ago
why so early O.O
12 years ago
Where did you go?
12 years ago
kevlarland says
12 years ago
It was worth it, we had a nice stroll in the park and we ended up at a pond
12 years ago
Derek says
12 years ago
XD sounds cute
kevlarland says
12 years ago
We ended up talking about non essential things and we saw the sun rise and the reflection hitting the water lillies.
kevlarland says
12 years ago
I was going to take a photo with my phone.
kevlarland says
12 years ago
But he kinda stopped me
kevlarland says
12 years ago
With a single kiss.
Derek says
12 years ago
ahhhhhhh omg this is adorbs <3
kevlarland says
12 years ago
Overall a nice first date for a while
12 years ago
squeeee that's so cute
kevlarland says
12 years ago
It's funny how my old friend from high school. Confident when dating women. Was shy and nervous around me
Derek says
12 years ago
gahhhh its so romantic * _ *
kevlarland says
12 years ago
LAH_LAH: I was going to kill him for waking me so early.
kevlarland says
12 years ago
Luckily for the goof ball he brought coffee
Derek says
12 years ago
ahhh he knows you well then <3 naww he sounds so sweet i'm happy for you :-)
kevlarland says
12 years ago
LAH_LAH: He is still the goof bsll hot friend from high school.
Derek says
12 years ago
nawwwww you guys are so cute I hope it works out it sounds like it went well <3
Lady Ravine
12 years ago
So cute! I ship it already! <3
kevlarland says
12 years ago
Well were taking it slow.
kevlarland says
12 years ago
This is new terorritory for him
12 years ago
aww this is so sweet
12 years ago
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