<.< Is Stuart!Nick available?
He's over there copying some notes from Jeff.
(walks over, smiles) Hey there stranger.
Nick: (looks up and smiles) Hey!
(waves at Jeff) Hi. I'm Liz. (smiles)
Jeff: Hi, I'm Jeff. From Hanover House. (holds out a hand)
(shakes his hand, beams) Nice to meet you.
Nick: (grins) He's my best friend.
(giggles) I think you mentioned him last time we talked. What're you guys working on, if I may ask?
Nick: (sighs) Newman. I sometimes don't know who's worse--him or Murdoch.
Jeff: (grumble) Murdoch...
(makes a face) Murdoch. I hear terrible things about Murdoch. There's someone even close to him? Jeez.
Nick: Only in terms of academic difficulty damage.
(giggle) What class does he teach? Maybe I can help.
Nick: This one's for Ecology.
Oooh, Ecology. I like Ecology, actually. It was my best science. What topic are you guys on?
Nick: Nah, we're just supposed to read up on this paper that outlines how smog has contributed to the greenhouse effect over the last
(makes a face) Eww. Not fun.
Still not fun though. (giggle) Other classes going well?
Jeff: Sort of. XD Some better than others.
(giggle) Of course. As per usual. Warblers been going well?
Nick: ALthough, you know...the thing with the whole Art hall...
Right, right, the Art Hall. It's gotta be weird getting back into the swing of things now.
Nick: We're...well, we Stuarts are...mainly worried about how the testy trio are doing.
giggles through nose, spits out coffee
(small giggle) The testy trio. I've talked to Logan a little bit around Easter... He seems sort of just. Shut down, I guess?
Nick: We can't even imagine what he and Julian went through up in that third floor.
It's crazy. Just... Insane.
Nick: (shakes head) And Derek...he was bleeding all over the place, it's a miracle he got up.
(cringes) Jesus, it was that bad?
Nick: Well, it looked like it, but the doctors said it was only that way from the outside. Derek's tougher than he looks.
Jeff: Which is saying something considering how tough he is already.
(small giggle) Sounds like the Derek I've heard about. I don't know how anyone's holding together who was in that building.
Nick: Well...not meant in any offensive way, but Windsors are kind of grandmasters of mayhem... I think they're handling it better than
(giggles) They sort of are, aren't they? If the prank wars between Stuart and Windsor are an accurate judging tool.