Even tho i live every day with the sword of damoclas over my head and for the next 6 months im trapped in my room
I feel lucky and blessed Not only because i have new friends ( all of you ) and im falling more in love with dezzy every day
but im so greatful every day i get to wake up and my body works right when i think of the way i use to live my life
up all night playing music getting high sex drugs rock and roll type of life style i get to feeling a lil sorry for my self
then something profound happens like what happend the other night and i remember just how lucky i am
Dezzy shared with me a story a friend of theres hes young 31 and has a wife and new baby and has less than 2 weeks to live
I wonder why when i haqve done the crazy things ive done in my life and the 2 terrible diseases i have why i live and he passes away
I just wanna say i love you all and you all mean alot to me
you too bro and keep in mind his journey isn't ending, it often is just the beginning whether we understand it or not we have a purpose
in this world no matter how short of long, don't look at the two side by side
each journey is unique and personal so never compare or feel guilty
its what we do in that window of time that will be what matters no matter how big or small
wow, Sabbian's been impressing me lately.
I love you so much baby. I am also blessed for every day I have you. I wake and smile looking forward to the first greeting of each morning.
Every trip I take to get a new animal I am constantly thinking "I can't wait to get home to be with him." I miss you from the second we
even attempt to say good-bye. You really are my everything.
You enjoyed a fun life, never regret it. It was fun and brought you to where you are today, surrounded by people that care and love you.
It's because of your sentiment, Iz...this is why you remain. The world needs all the hearts (like yours) it can get. Stay strong so we can.
Thanks witcher thanks eme
For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven. Peace Iz