lokjunhan is
12 years ago
Lego Land, theme room.
latest #16
sim says
12 years ago
u wan go there isnt? :-)
lokjunhan says
12 years ago
at johor quite far.,
sim says
12 years ago
yalo... and expensive too... but go once in a life time also nvm de la... let's wait and see lo...
xixikam ಠ..ಠ says
12 years ago
maybe 1 bed fit in 5 pax
sim says
12 years ago
xixikam: let's go. but nid to wait u guys come back from England liao. ><
Leo says
12 years ago
when u all go find mai me..i juz study near there only~
xixikam ಠ..ಠ says
12 years ago
cjy037: u go there do research first, then guide us! (evil_grin)
JinNg says
12 years ago
nice theme room~
Leo says
12 years ago
xixikam: wah..this research very expensive then..any sponser?lol
xixikam ಠ..ಠ says
12 years ago
cjy037: spnsor 你防曬油一支!嗯...你一於假期去那邊打工做security巡視環境,這份工應該不錯~ 有工錢又能到處走!
Miao Dawson
12 years ago
xixikam ಠ..ಠ says
12 years ago
sim says
12 years ago
xixikam: 哈哈~你的图案很有feel叻。cjy037: 我们等着你的research啦。
xixikam ಠ..ಠ says
12 years ago
hsimyee: 哈哈!俊宇做我们的先锋,正!
Leo says
12 years ago
简直是mission impossible 4....
xixikam ಠ..ಠ says
12 years ago
cjy037: 那就是说没问题咯~ 过程可能比较辛苦,但反正tom cruise 每次都 mission complete 的,你也一样 ok !
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