Man. If nothing else this crap has been an adventure! and they are gonna buy me dinner too which is great
esokins if you're around tomorrow we can probably chill
your next train is delayed?
Sounds like a pretty gross adventure. But dinner and a hotel is a good consolation prize! \o/
it so is. havent eaten in way too long! Im just waiting an hour or so for the hotel bus and then I get to stretch out on a bed
and yeah Sarah it was like 4 hours late, so my connection got missed and there are no other trains going my way tonight
so I have to wait for the one tomorrow. which is shitty for like 500 reasons but at least I get food and a bed so I don't mind
took this exact same picture for
litharriel to show her where I was waiting for her 2 years ago when I stayed with her for a bit

Ah, the memories. Glad they're treating you to bed and food!
sadly the food we missed because some passengers had to throw lengthy fits and 3 needed interpreters. but the bed is huge and cozy
8( can they get you food in the morning? but glad to hear the bed is nice at least
Well, there's that at least. :-/
and fuck yeah I am all about this bed

they gave me two beds and Souji got his own because cooties

he's a firm pillows kinda guy. I took the soft side

walked along the beach to get to Navy Pier (after going the wrong way)

my feet hurt but I have a milkshake with booze in it
and I'm taking a water taxi back to union station
life is goddamn good today
The adventures of mini souji are pretty great :'>
And a spiked milkshake sounds amazing.
Does mini Souji get any of the booze milkshake
Oh oh oh! My friend and I got bubble tea today! It was really good.
oh fuck I never popped your boba cherry
my bad. glad you liked it though!
haha, he was in my cleavage not too long ago.
and Souji can buy his own damn booze. unless I get a tiny bottle one day...

also a nice creepy old guy bought me a Wrigley Margarita...
I dont know about the creepy old guy but that sounds delicious
it's awful and I have to chug it to catch my ferry but haha it's the thought that counts
yes Spuji has gotten up close and personal with the magnificent Sarah breasts. envy him guys.
...Spuji may be my most hilarious typo ever. and autocorrect didn't even catch it wtf
<3 was the ferry decently spiked, at least?
.....self wtf. I meant the margarita.
yes it was a very spiky ferry
the drink wasn't all that liquory but it coulda been worse
bleh, not really worth the bad taste then 8(
though it was still nice of him
haha I'm sure his intent wasn't that altruistic. but I chugged it and ran to catch the boat so whatever. /snrk
heh, no, probably not, but hey, free drink. /o/
It's a minty drink and it tasted bad? I... I feel somehow betrayed
it was like tequila and midori
....Oh. Welp. Carry on then.
Also, add my new plurk. I'm straddling two browsers for you right now.
Unless you don't wanna add me in which case that's cool too
pfft don't be stupid it's just that when I tried first plurk wouldn't let me
and now I just feel special...also exhausted. but I'll give it another go shortly!
have you gotten any food yet dude?
Ava let us broadcast concern at you
I'm working on it guys I promise. it's all good.
8( I hope you can get something soon
I'm betting my cousin will have something I can eat. I'm gonna crash with him for a night or two. /thumbs up
oh good! :c I hope you get to his place soon
/shoves food into the USB slot
I can feed you through the internet, right