you better not abuse my body.
/looks to Basil/ aw~ thank you ~ /looks to Lus/ "be gentle with my body pleasse~~~"
"Give me my body back!" he tackles him
/pushes lus's face/ "don't fight me with my body~"
"I want my beautiful body back!" he complains.
"i should be saying that!~~"
"You're not fit to own my gorgeous, luscious green hair!"
"what's beautiful? This green monstrosity? It's more like a green bush for your pedoness ~~ "
( oh on I didn't hahaha. Yes I did)
"My hair is not a shrub!" He exclaims and pokes him hard on the chest. "It takes time to get it spiked the way it is!"
(hahahhaha shit just got real and sryyyyy verde but duty calls.)
(Verde is now confused. ._.)
(SHIT HIT THE FAN. Did you know that Nicola Tesla talked to pigeons and believed that aliens from Mars sent signals to him?)
"what effort? All I see is a BIG LUMP of GREEN BUSH!!~~~" /pulls on green hair to express frustration/
"And this is why you have no friends."
Tugs at the multi-colored hair and sticks out tongue at Luss.
WHAT!!!!!!! I'll have you know I have do have friends!!! Mr. I'm a pedo who lures people in with false candy!~~~~~~
[call the cops, cause things are getting violence~]
maybe he should play peacemaker.
/ grabs lus's arms and somehow pushes him so that he was now on top of lussuria pinning him down/ "now what were you saying?~~"
(Hehe... ~perverted face~ )
(mawhahahaha oh im just getting started haha)
[ burns. It really burns.]

(hahahhaha oh verde. i wonder how will you go about this new situation?)
[keep touching him! Haha. Test the limits! ]
(heheheh dont have to tell me twice)

/straddles Lus by the waist. pinning both hands over head using one hand. smirkes/ "oh?~ not fighting back i see? free inivitation~~~" /-
lets free hand wonder at torso but not going under any clothing yet/
( verde's in for a surprise tehe)
(Yes. It will be wonderous.)
(Wtf did I just read. O_O xDDDD)
"A-Ah!" panics after his own body is straddling him down and pushes him off.
about to punch Lussuria but stops since he doesn't want to beat up his own face. So instead, he starts poking him with a tazor.
/doges tazer, grabs it out of luss's hand throwing it / "oh your not going to hurt your body are you?"
/grins tugging the collar of his body's coat/
"No...I couldn't hurt my body...But I can hurt yours." He smiles cynically.
/smiles/ "hurt my body and i'll more than abuse yours~~~ im not the one that's a creep~~"
