lifts the skirt.....what is this...?
[some people call it a pussy lol]
(/smacks/ there's panties under! lol)
(Ahahaha... I love this group.)
looks at himself. "......oh I see now. You're using your illusions to mess around like your friend. This is why I hate illusionists..."
(Idk, but I thought you switched with Lussuria at first...oh well, this is still hilarious XD)
hmph. Like I'd trust an illusionist. /grabs one of her breasts/ this is probably fake too....
turns bright red. "D-Don't do that!!!!"
squeezes it. "good illusion I must admit....but it's fake."
"P-Please stop doing that." You're talking to yourself, buddy. How do you not notice that?????
does notice that. He beleives you're using your illusions to make it look like he's switched bodies. ""
It's really not an illusion.
"Eh? Chrome-dono? What are thou doing?!
squeezing her breasts what does it look like. "Then you find a way to fix it." Yes he blames you for this.
thinks 12 years ago
that is obviously not Chome-dono
"I'm not doing anything!!!" Now stop that.
going to go change. He feels naked in this outfit.
it is very strange to see Hibari-dono act so feminine and scared.
how to take off this bra....
he had better not dare to even think about that!!!
tight around his chest! It's itchy! D:
(I bet it a bit heavier than he's used to, also.
he has to deal with it until they switch back!!!
to get out of this bra! "What? So you're not going to shower till we change back?"
didn't think of that. "A-At least you believe me now"
(what with that licky lol)
unhook this bra or I'll rip it off.
(HAH first time hibari said something dirty. score one)
(Just me screwing around.)
doesn't want him seeing her breasts....or lack there of. "No!"
there's nothing to see anyways -_- you're flat.
turns as red as possible.
just going to rip this bra off. /pullllsssssss
really starting to wonder how females walk around with these on. And your panties feel weird.

grew accustomed to it. ...Stay out of my panties.
that he'll have to deal with it!
why woman's panties are so tight...everything is so tight -_-
how you can walk with these tonfas on you. They're heavy!
Does not think anything could be heavier than this hat.
that's light. And it's not a fork, it's a trident.
agrees with Basil from experience.
don't touch my tonfas....
finds this situation amusing.
you don't have breasts. /grabs them/ it's flat.
....There's a little bit there!!
does not think they will get any help from these two, but decides to stay in case things get ugly.
there's nothing. I feel nothing here.
very awkward in this situation...
(man, I wish Tsuna was here XD)
(Hehe, he would be squeaking so much.)
yawns. He's tired. This is the longest conversation he's had.
would also like his back.
just wants Hibari out of her body more.....
(... I have to say... I love this switch. )
(I can't imagine Hibari doing that though...)
(then it's just terrifying)
going to sleep. But he doesn't feel relaxed with this bra...
that he had better keep it on. He probably doesn't even know how to get it on and off.

go back to his lounge now. And stay is he going to shower now?
doesn't want to think about that.
don't do anything weird in that body.
won't. Don't do anything in hers.
never do anything weird. "Hm...." And he leaves.