Glock,Winchester,Crowbar,Rope,Bear Grylls, Motorbike.
a car would be safer and more available dont you think? plus a .,22 rifle would be more effective, it has enough stopping power to kill a
zombie but the ammunition for 50 rounds is equal in size to a single shot-gun shell, it would also be quieter,
Well I already have access to a motorbike,and I haz the zombie survival guide.A motor bike is more effeciant because you can exit and get on
faster,and have no risk of being trapped.Plus due to deteriorating bone and tissue,anything could really penetrate a zombies skull.
Let's play a game.Name your worst zombie loadout.
38. special,mossberg,knife,torch,Sean Connery,Tank.
Also,I do not understand your last statement.
(When I say everything I mean every size bullet,but due to plurks character limit I couldn't fit it in if that's what you mean.)
drinking straws for all options,
I mean of things on the list.
Very strong, Moderate ammo capacity.
ive fired one before, very loud, very bright, incredible recoil, 7 rounds, i would be better off with a 1911,
But in comparison to a .38 or an anaconda it's not terrible.A 38. Can only hold 5/6 bullets and is probably also all those things you stated
the .38 has a smaller round than the 1911, its ammo is cheap and easily found, its compact, and speed-loaders are easy to get a-hold of
I wouldn't say it's easily found.I can safely say I have never in my life seen a .38 bullet.
compared to a .48 ac or .50 ac, its easy to find, plus its a common law enforcement round,
and you probably wouldnt have, pistols are illegal in this part of the world, mostly,
personally, my ideal pistol would be a .22 ruger oasis with integrated silencer,