12 years ago
I don't know what I should do when Brave comes out. Because in US it comes in June, in Finland on the 24th of August (yes, they actually had
latest #13
12 years ago
a specific date for it already when I went to see the Avengers) and even though I MIGHT, just might be able to wait for it that long,
12 years ago
there's no fucking way in hell I'll be able to avoid the spoilers for that long when tumblr is around. I could go on a tumblr hiatus for
12 years ago
that long but... I don't know if I could stay away that long (haha sob). I could also put Brave etc. on tumblr savior, but there's just
12 years ago
this one huge problem called damn stupid idiots who don't tag their posts. If I had money I could fly to England or somewhere to see it
12 years ago
earlier, but I really don't. Aaaah maybe I'm just making this a bigger problem than it actually is, I just seriously don't want to get
12 years ago
heghrtghghg I'm sorry. I'd put it on TS? And then maybe make a post asking your followers to tag it?
12 years ago
spoiled about everything and in all honesty I don't know how I'm going to be able to wait THAT LONG for Brave when I know it's out probably
12 years ago
like everywhere else besides Finland haha OTL.
12 years ago
and then once you've seen it you can go through my tumblr because you totally know I'll post all the awesome Brave stuff. >.<
12 years ago
accioharo: Yeah, that's probably the only choice I really have : /. And haha that's true, I'm actually now going through your blog for some
12 years ago
cool avengers posts.
12 years ago
But still, it's like... WHY FINLAND WHY. I get that dubbing the thing in Finnish takes time but... you could show the undubbed and even
12 years ago
unsubbed version before a couple of times, 'cause I'm sure there'd be people who would be excited to go see it that way too.
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