EchoRequeim asks
12 years ago
do you buy mesh only??? or do sculpties still have a place in your heart??
latest #27
12 years ago
I buy everything as long as i like it (LOL)
12 years ago
I just bought sculpty yesterday.
12 years ago
i buy alot of mesh lately, but i don't rule out regular stuff. Some things i buy "regular" cause i like to mix and match :-)
12 years ago
i buy it if it's pretty
12 years ago
plus mesh skirts don't have that flow prim ones do
12 years ago
mesh - unless its jeans - i havent liked any mesh jeans recently
12 years ago
I buy anything as long as I like it.
12 years ago
mesh only. i don't have the patience to adjust sculpty cloth, and my avatar moves - i want hair and clothing that moves with it
☂ Mai ✾◕ ‿ ◕✾ says
12 years ago
I never buy mesh.
12 years ago
i must say i don't really buy sculpted things no more, unless furniture or super cute....i guess i'm spoiled with mesh lOL. but i DO buy
12 years ago
nicely textured clothign layer stuff still
12 years ago
Mesh furniture is fine, but i'm not sure what the benefits are over sculpted prims. I still wear some sculpted gowns & skirts. It depends on
12 years ago
the creator and quality. I still love the Mademoiselle sculpted gown by Baiastace and I bought a sculpted gown by Donna Flora last week...
12 years ago
I've bought a few mesh items without demos that were unlined. Plus a lot of mesh clothing looks the same to me. Same outfit with dif texture
12 years ago
mostly mesh, but not only
12 years ago
clothing layers are great for mix&match
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