MrP_tchr says
12 years ago
I'm being moved to a classroom with no windows. Isn't it bad enough that I cannot open them? I'm gonna go crazy!
latest #24
MrP_tchr says
12 years ago
Ok, I can do it. Just gotta figure out how to help my plants continue to grow.
MrP_tchr says
12 years ago
Wait, what? I'm how far away from the coffee pot? How can that be? Now what do I do?
MrP_tchr says
12 years ago
I have some serious planning to do this summer!
Mr Bill says
12 years ago
MrP_tchr says
12 years ago
Oh ya, I'm switching to math, so I guess I should plan lessons as well.
say, Grace#🟦 says
12 years ago
lots of posters w/ outdoor images :-D
Molly ♥ Jane
12 years ago
I am sorry to hear this. Most of my years were in windowless rooms, but the few years with windows were glorious.
Molly ♥ Jane
12 years ago
Outdoor images is a great idea.
aaustin says
12 years ago
make a fake window to hang on the wall! Get some curtains at a second had shop.
327mrsbeier says
12 years ago
Have the kids in vision a world of nothing but math concepts and have them design 'windows' into that world.
BarbaraLN says
12 years ago
Use a grow light for your plants. I like the idea of a fake window.
Cheryl57 says
12 years ago
I couldn't handle it
✿honeymic says
12 years ago
moving again? Wow, I feel for ya.
✿honeymic says
12 years ago
isn't that about 4 times in the last 2 years or something?
MrP_tchr says
12 years ago
honeymic: classroom moves since 8/2010: into TPLC, May 11 - out of TPLC, 8/2011 - into EMS room, 12/11 - into EMS new room, now into math.
MrP_tchr says
12 years ago
This room won't be too bad, it's just my personal stuff and not every single thing in the room. No moving tables.
MrP_tchr says
12 years ago
I don't like the tables in my new room, but oh well. :-(
JanWells says
12 years ago
Outdoors math when possible!!!
B4TV says
12 years ago
Didn't you just have to move?
MrP_tchr says
12 years ago
B4TV: Read the previous replies to this post.
B4TV says
12 years ago
I did...sorry!
MrP_tchr says
12 years ago
B4TV: It's alright. Just didn't know if you saw.
Merry says
12 years ago
I taught for 2 years in a windowless room and because it was an interior room it did not get cell phone reception
Merry says
12 years ago
such a pain b/c my phone would keep looking for a signal and run down the battery if I forgot to turn it off!
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