I wonder who she belongs to. She is pretty!
Oh...she is very pretty, yes.
What are you up to?
I was awoken by a noise. Soon I will sleep again.
What is Hungary-san up to?
I am at Anglia's house but I cannot sleep. So I take walk.
Ah, is the change of environment difficult for Hungary-san?
Maybe. I have been traveling a lot. Excited!
Yes, traveling is very exciting. England-san has been taking me on tours of his countryside.
It is nice. I have not been here in a long time!
Will Hungary-san visit again for Olympics?
Of course! I support my people.
Then perhaps we will meet again then.
Ah, perhaps soon then. We are all in the same area after all.
Perhaps we try sleep now? I feel better.
I am glad. And yes, perhaps we should try to sleep now.
I will see you soon! (heart)
Oh no heart
That cat looks nice. It reminds me of someone.
Mon dieu, that is such a very cute cat~!
It reminds me of you Hungary
She has nice eyes! I hope she went home safe!
or perhaps its because of that lovely flower around its ears.
Oh, Auzstria! Don't tease.
I found at Anglia's house!
No! Anglia has cats. This lady I find walking!
manliestmaiden I do not get it? I am not teasing you. It is the truth
It's ok! Don't worry. You're too kind!
Yes! You are certainly curious about Anglia~
Is there something special going on between you two? He's married you know!
Swiss has a thing for England?
((ooc: that was not my intention))
WHAT? I didn't suggest. Not that England is not desira... Its not like that Hungary!
That is a cute cat. It must be well taken care off