5/28 morning~ ish... i think
yep! thanks manager mike! XD
ook awesome, just want to make sure my schedule don't clash when you want to go out ^^
here...lemme give you an extensive overview of my schedule....
5/28 morning (6am?) arrive.
10am - haircut. nothing afterwards (except eat and maybe 逛逛街)
5/29 facial at 2pm. nothing else.
5/30 interview at 2pm. nothing else planned.
5/31 - open
6/1 - jet off to japan
6/5 - come back from japan
6/15 - SUPPOSEDLY i start intern, 但對方說有可能提早 so 我不確定
but yea, it's gonna be a super packed and exciting 2wks before i start interning! my college japanese classmate is visiting from korea
my roommate is coming back to tw for 2 weeks.. i haven't seen her in 2yrs i'm kind of anxious.
but i do want to spend all the time i can spend with you before my carefree weekdays are taken away from me~~~
oh in that case when would you like to go to taichung? it looks pretty much packed!
we could pick a weekend~ hopefully i'll still have my week of break after japan, then we have more days to choose from.
i'll probably spend a day (or half) with college classmate and another with roommate. so that should still leave time

i was thinking since i don't have much to do, should i go with you to japan? lol
buying a ticket now would be insanely expensive i think :T
haha you could. but i have to give you a heads up... a friend is flying from HK to join me there so the room is full and you would need
another room. 不好意思~~ 因為我們之前就plan out了 so i need to honor the agreement (>”<)
and the other thing is. we are going to see the one piece exhibit and the tickets are only pre-sold. 我已經請在日本的學長幫我買了兩張票了, and i know you
wouldn't want to miss out, 所以那方面可能也要做別的 arrangement。目前我們要去的那天還有票~ 然後..我們計劃要去買laduree的macaron (this popular sweets place in japan)
and stop by disney if time permits us. so yea...just to let you know there's a planned schedule i can't change 因為我不知道妳想逛/玩東京的哪裡~~ (>”<)
if i don't start internship too soon i could probably stay an extra couple days and you could join me? that's another option to consider.
then you wouldn't have to go with our schedule 'cause i'm not sure about your preferences. my friend has also lived in japan for a while
so we're both familiar and all that and will go about the city differently compared to someone who hasn't been there.
oh haha, in that case, 沒關係, i'll go with you some other time!
i shall save $$ for our taichung trip then!
haha taichung will be much cheaper!
we'll raincheck tokyo
should i book ahead for our taichung trip? i can check out motels for a one-night stay!
sure! i think just checking rates is fine at this stage though, because my internship place hasn't given me a start date yet
SUPPOSEDLY it's 6/11 but i'm worried that they're gonna make me start earlier.
if not we can always zoom off to taichung after your 5/30 interview
i think faye will still be here too
omg if you make me leave and come back 5/31, i'm gonna be 任性 and leave all the trip planning up to you 不然我肯定累死

oh of course i will! i probly know the place better than you by now cause of all the kenbo adventures
i wanted to drag faye along too actually
she'll be a fun company, and if she comes we can rent a car
then it will be more convenient
i'll ask her today if she's sure when she's leaving for china
that's a good idea. +faye +tig i think we have a good 4 person company!!
oh i'm sure you know a lot of places in taichung now because of kenbo XD
i uploaded your schedule in my ipohne so i can track you whenever i want!!