Even though I just finished school I have started looking at things to change for next year. One thing I am wanting to do different is how I
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teach math. I am wanting to do stations/math workshop, but I struggle with the schedule of it or how they should run...any suggestions
I do math rotations/stations. 1- math vocab 2- basic facts practice 3- practice from prior lessons 4 meet with teacher
I divided the kids into 4 groups and did girl groups and boy groups. This was to make the girls feel more comfortable with math.
It worked really well. Then at the end of rotations the class did math projects or extended their learning.
is this mon-fri and how much time in each station
Yes it is monday through friday. 15 minute rotations.
I also did calendar math, math games, and math task cards occasionally to add variety
I am 4th grade. Next year I will be 3rd
I am 5th grade. My principal is trying to get me calendar math for next year
That sounds great. Being able to work with small groups is very beneficial for kids in helping them understand.
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