"Employers: Fresh graduates not suitable and are 'liabilities'"
latest #16
that's why in Malaysia, no graduates want to come back to work!
liabilities can become asset...
in other countries like Australia, they even create programme to train the graduates...
that's why they have lots more professionals to work for them!
huh? which company says that...
not all can commit to training cost though... cina men set up ma
Kelly services, a recruitment company?
it actually a risk to take. cause normally trained workers will run off to search for better job once there think they're good
kelly services, isn't it Robert Kuok's
half true wan. these days (except some lame politicians) people don't say things based on imagination edi la
Kelly services belong to Robert kuok ah?
theyre still living in illusion world!
dono same or not but he got one company name kelly something. in china
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