calculate not only on the lost, but also on the gain!
latest #12
the HR department came back to me, saying that I claimed too much on my taxi fare during my outstation trip...
"We only claimed RMXXX lump sum from client and you have claimed too much on the taxi fares"
something like that lah....
but hello??? I didn't exceed the RMXXX! and also, there are lots of things that they have already earn so much!
and tell me, if I don't use taxi, how am I supposed to go to work!?
they should go to the place where I work, and work for 1 months there... then they'll understand the situation!
I want to! but I didn't drop by the office yet.
faster go do! if not they think u don wan the money
nolah, that claim is approved. the hr just said, now the project manager approved but we wish to inform you that bla bla bla... duh!
I didn't even bother to reply
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