Roy says
12 years ago
It might not be the best of all that has been chosen. But, admitted with full-waiver tuition in WSU. :-D
latest #29
ruhum says
12 years ago
awsom dude. near capitol?
Roy says
12 years ago
Note quite matey. It's in the west coast, not at D.C.
Roy says
12 years ago
aliy says
12 years ago
congrats rooiii
12 years ago
alhamdulillaaahh.. selamat ya babaaanngg :-D
Roy says
12 years ago
Thanks a lot gengs! :-))
Roy says
12 years ago
FaisalR: iya ich
ruhum says
12 years ago
nice, di tanjung barat y?
Roy says
12 years ago
(applause) to ruhum
12 years ago
tinggal lewat JORR berarti. anyway selamat baaaang
12 years ago
selamattt royyy,, that's great. Keep the good work there and keep humble. I'll follow you soon ;-)
Roy says
12 years ago
Gw kyknya awal agustus dh brgkt. Tanggal 13 Agustus udah orientasi soalnya.
Roy says
12 years ago
marthasafitri: You will, mate. You will. :-))
Cabai says
12 years ago
congrats paallss..mari kita S2 bersamaa..cheers! (drinking)
Cabai says
12 years ago
aku sudah kangen lingkungan kampus.. (heart_beat)
nabir says
12 years ago
congrats rooooooooyyyy.. brp taun?
Cabai says
12 years ago
no probs sdh bosan bekerja..lbh cape kerja klo gw mah..
12 years ago
gw skrg udah eneg lg sama belajar. klo kerja, abis pulang ga mikirin tugas trus dapet gaji. lah ini mikirin tugas mulu :-&
Cabai says
12 years ago
haha..hidup itu berputar ya..yg kuliah pingin kerja, giliran udh kerja mau kuliah lg..gitu aja terus (LOL)
Roy says
12 years ago
Yah klo gw saat ini cuma haus ilmu pengetahuan aja. :-D
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