i have finally begun analysing iphones.
latest #18
can someone tell me the difference between 16GB, 32GB, and 64GB?!
and don't tell me something unpractical like 64GB is larger than 16GB
eunice which one do you use?
i think 64 one costs a bit more... XD
64GB is larger than 16GB. it's exactly what you think, no other complication to it.
就看個人使用偏好,看妳會不會想放多一點東西或下載很多app。我個人覺得64 is overkill...
記憶容量大確實比較貴喔~ i have a 32GB but i only use 8GB of it despite having downloaded 96 apps. 我覺得16就夠了 but my mom said 要買就買大一點的!
it's nice not having to worry about space but since i'm not using that much i thought it was expensive.
Unless you store a butt load of music & movies~
only 8GB and you have 96 apps?!?!?!
what about pictures and all that? how much space does that take?
kenbo has a 32GB but i haven't asked his opinion about that yet
96 apps + 1861 photos (as of now) and 8GB....
i also have some music in it but i don't keep my entire music library on it, just the ones i feel like. 不過iphone4s的畫素有提升所以照片檔的size可能會稍微大一點點
很多app都不要錢的嘛...所以就....(download button) 甚至有些app我可能半年或3個月才用一次 lol..
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