Who has time to plurk all the time to keep their karma up? That formula blows. It rewards quantity over quality. oh well.
latest #9
Interestingly enough, when I started plurking less becuase of time constraints my karma went down. I'm plurking less & my plurk is going up.
I meant my karma is going up. I think it might be adjusting to how I plurk now as opposed to how I was plurking. Does that make sense?
funny that. seems like the karma is having the complete opposite desire the the plurk creators would want
...ugh, sorry... since the algorithm recently changed, my karma has gone up, but I don't plurk any more often.
right, me too. I think karma going down has a negative impact. The Plurk team should consider a change. Stay the same unless you improve.
the new alg only wants you to post 1-30 times a day. Punishes for more
I've been at a moderate plurking level (3-6 plurks a day, probably like 20 responses) and I've been getting steady gains on my karma.
yeah... there's a limit to it, since they put in the spamming criteria which will actually negatively effect your karma
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