12 years ago
with_discipline is she coming back with her shanky knife? sob.
latest #10
no mortal blade
12 years ago
sob only if you want her to, I was thinking mostly she'd just see that he was there BUT IF YOU WANT HER TO COME TRY TO SHANK HIM WE CAN DO
no mortal blade
12 years ago
12 years ago
i'm very flexible either way!
12 years ago
if you want to, i'm open to that! oooooor we could play it out longer term
12 years ago
and say he left before she got back and then have the shanking come a little later on?
12 years ago
when she's gotten settled more?
no mortal blade
12 years ago
That sounds good to me! Since I accidentally set it up that Summer kinda gloms her when she goes back for the knife, so he'd have plenty of
no mortal blade
12 years ago
time to disappear. xp And then she can stalk and plot and plan and horrors. :c
12 years ago
and that will make it all the better when it happens EXCELLENT :-))
no mortal blade
12 years ago
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