Sheldon Glashow says
12 years ago
Ok just some thoughts i wanna share but scared post on FB will kena Stomp. HAHAH =X
latest #24
Sheldon Glashow says
12 years ago
Hmm, Javan Melody Jeow told me something about his lecturer; to ease ageing population,
Sheldon Glashow says
12 years ago
a couple should have 3 or more kids. But now theres only like 1 kid per couple,
Sheldon Glashow says
12 years ago
so another alternative is to have 3 wives then! (Something like that)
Sheldon Glashow says
12 years ago
Hmm, but technically speaking, we can tackle Ageing population from the side. Instead of increase the population of the younger generation,
Sheldon Glashow says
12 years ago
why not the aged die earlier?
Sheldon Glashow says
12 years ago
/Morally wrong but could be a solution what. XD
BOICE says
12 years ago
aged die earlier how do you intend to get them to die hahaha
Sheldon Glashow says
12 years ago
I have no idea. My morals not screwed enough to think of that. HAHAHAH
Shieru says
12 years ago
because a longer life expectancy shows that we're developed cus of better health and medical care services which are accessible.
Shieru says
12 years ago
polygamy would result in a lot of problems imo. You'll need more females than males in your society right? And a lot of family disputes
12 years ago
would happen as a result. I guess that's why it's illegal in sg...?
BOICE says
12 years ago
haha most people just think that it is morally incorrect to be unfaithful
BOICE says
12 years ago
and if you allow polygamy, most of the time you will have sufficient girls to go around (but yes, to a certain extent, incest)
BOICE says
12 years ago
like the FLDS group if I remembered that acronym correctly. My friend did her TOK presentation on polygamy
Sheldon Glashow says
12 years ago
Anyway, Polygamy doesnt work still, cos if its say 1 male to 3 females, thats 3 childs, its still not replacing. Thats just plain
Sheldon Glashow says
12 years ago
nonsense la. XD!
12 years ago
Not being moralizing here or anything, but on a side note I think the idea of letting the elderly expire earlier can only be achieved in a
12 years ago
dystopian society. We are unable to carry it out now because the notion of having dreams/goals/ambitions + the right to control how you want
12 years ago
to live (a basic human right) exists. If such concepts are eliminated from the human consciousness, and we are all made to submit to the
12 years ago
government, then of course we'd be willing to let the authorities cut off our life supply as and when needed. But if you think about it, if
12 years ago
such an age can descend upon us already, then we'd have bigger issues to tackle than just economic welfare... I'm referencing Brave New
12 years ago
World btw.
Sheldon Glashow says
12 years ago
Dunno whats Brave New World, but yeah i get what you're trying to say. XD!
12 years ago
Go read up on it, it's a scary projection of the future
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