Jane Crocker
12 years ago
I really hope our Dirk can rap
latest #14
Jane Crocker
12 years ago
because Equius just challenged him to a rhyme-off
12 years ago
lmfao I don't think Danielle knows how to rap but I could be wrong.
Jane Crocker
12 years ago
this is the part where I back away from the computer laughing maniacally "WHAT HAVE I DONE"
Jane Crocker
12 years ago
ahahhaha I hope she learns because otherwise Equius will not take him seriously ahahah
12 years ago
I think that's a pretty silly expectation to have, tbh.
12 years ago
Learning to rap isn't something that comes easily or quick, just like any other skill that one might have.
Jane Crocker
12 years ago
oh I am sorry I didn't mean to be rude ;o;
12 years ago
Well I just wanted to point out that it's an unrealistic expectation for a fellow RPer.
Jane Crocker
12 years ago
Yes I realise that but I was mostly saying that in jest
Jane Crocker
12 years ago
I didn't mean to step on anyone's toes ;n;
12 years ago
It's cool, I don't think you stepped on toes. I wasn't trying to be accusatory or anything, just figured I'd point it out in the case that
12 years ago
you were serious.
Jane Crocker
12 years ago
honestly I would just be satisfied if they posted something that mostly rhymes ahahh
Jane Crocker
12 years ago
I'm not saying I can rap either XD
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