oh coffeeeeee!!!
yesterday when I put on my Taiwan shamanippon CD, i want to cry straight away....
Seriously, it's like hearing live music outside a half soundproof building T-T
i should have never compared Japanese CD with others. it only give me more expectation than ever T-T stupid tokie
and now i'm battling with my own self control and prevent myself from buying a japanese version D:
that allocated money could be used for Lady Gaga concert instead.. if there's still ticket...
and my business partner did not give me any information at all... and yesh I'm sulking
procastinating. i haven't done my work yet. feeling quilty but I can't concentrate right now.
to go back to bed and curled up under blanket in a 18 degrees room
this is the 2nd song that i found that have "I'm you, you're me" in the lyrics
my skin is getting whiter, and my hair is brown blonde now... it's not that i brag or i mind about it but... I do look like a broken doll
... maybe i should try taking a photo as a broken doll once again
won't be able to tackle that victorian marvelous doll but i guess i could be the fake made in china version
drink a bit of the coffee... this tokie box will become worst in any moment now
Kiroro remind me of pisuko-chan, their song embodies her image so well... too bad she doesn't like Japanese song
well actually i think whatever that I like, she don't like, whatever she like, I don't like... kinda miraculous that we still friends
if she's mad with me now. yesterday doesn't ended up well i suppose. but ... she knew that she has tamed me completely
at times like this that quote from "little prince" ring in my head. and I seriously want to send a letter to her and write ...
"Please responsible for what you have tamed!" but.. wouldn't that sounds like love confession or something?
sometimes if KK feels like this. but i've never have an UST with pisuko-chan though tilt head
what did they call people who have a phobia of touching other people?
that she might have something like that in her.
but i guess probably my emotion connected so much with my motoric senses. but i don't know what the trigger though
if people nowadays are afraid of divine punishments?
if you can study hypnotism, you must have some pretty good head. why use it for criminal activity instead?
sometimes I want to know what my first ex was up to... I believe i won't kill him if i met him by any chance...
but i don't want to have anything to do with him as well. Just wondering if he's alive is all...or probably dead ditch in a gutter somewhere
it does sounds that after all this year i still have grudge with him. but no i'm thankful of him really, for making me stronger
but pardon me. can't switch my language for him. he ruined me mentally for good so shrugs can't be help
talking about him would do good for me i suppose, I've been throwing his case on the deepest corner of the closet for so long
but i did talk about him for a few times, that's better than the other case which i've only talk about it once in my whole life...
i still don't want to talk about it. I probably spend my whole life trying to forget about it. but i know that I would never be able to
stupid for talking depresing thing this early in the day. it'll only worsen the mood of the day D:
oh by the way the crazy biatch has move herself out of the city! that's what she said though, I wonder if it's true
though I probably won't meet her again.
I didn't regret anything because if things presented themself to me with the same situation and i still don't know anything about the future
I would still do the same. so it won't be different but i do wonder if i take the different road, where's I ended up now
though it's funny to think that i'd probably ended up as naive little girl i was back then, not sarcastic and not jaded. completely innocent
and most of all... I would still love pink and my whole wardrobe is pink frilly dresses XDD though that would never happen XD
if I met myself like that in a paralel universe I probably go "WTH is this blasphemy burn the wardrobe down" XD
I'd really want to push this "medium" fanfic idea forward but just.. I just... doens't have the right time to write it. because it;s going..
to be loooooongggg... I want to do a plot elab instead. who want's to be my partner in hearing it? KKL for sure
coffee make my stomach ache and i like it XDD --> do m on another level
oooohhh i got kue pancong!!!!! yay!!!
menyimak.... kopiii...mana kopiiii....????!!!
disini kopinya XD kesini nanti tak kasih kopi XD
until today I believe that I have low blood pressure but yesterday when i check on a machine at home, it says i got high blood pressure ....
and i already stock a durian at home, so in case i have dizziness I eat it but.. it might be contrary from what i believe
and this is the 50th XD it's easy to reach the goal this time. maybe because I haven't talk for a long time XDDD
"my mouth is dry, forgot how to cry" ... I looooooooveeeeee this song!!!!
i wonder if all my favorite song is about abusive situation...
Which song's your fav kie..??
that one up there is "smoke" - natalie imbuglia then i like "get gone" - Fiona apple, "last resort" - papa roach, "nookie" - Limp Bizkit
"headlight" - wallflower, "wind" - akeboshi, "help me help me" - ossan.. i think most of them about something sad XDDD
oh that make me realise.. most of them is metaphors... XDDDD
omg you do talk a lot in boxes xD
lol yes I did XD I always did try to reach 50 post so i don't spam with a lot of plurk in days like this XDD
I've seen that before, but I feel sad I could not reply to these posts
oh sorry >.< is it because I talk in indonesian? XD
and so fast, it's añready full when I get here xD
lol tokie box is my dump bin so i try to throw eberything at once XDDD
I train hard