Lyra has
12 years ago
just spent like 2 hours making a Haven logo which doesn't even look good.. damnit -_-
latest #11
Satoru says
12 years ago
I'm sure it is!!
Lyra says
12 years ago
Nah... not really xD Maybe a few more hours and it might look a bit better :-P Anyways, how are you today?
Satoru says
12 years ago
XD I'm okay thanks. How are you? :-)
Lyra says
12 years ago
I'm fine xD So what have you been up to, besides school? :-P
Satoru says
12 years ago
Er... Rehearsing XD What about you?
Lyra says
12 years ago
Pretty much nothing xD Doing a few edits, reading, homework :-P
Satoru says
12 years ago
Homework DX Gross. What subjects did you have? :-)
Lyra says
12 years ago
Chemistry, Latin, German xD Did you get any?
Satoru says
12 years ago
Eww that's difficult :L English, and other stuff but I'm too tired to do them XD
Lyra says
12 years ago
xD Homework just takes so much effort :-P
Satoru says
12 years ago
Exactly! :-D
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