15 years ago
says oh my God! I changed my theme and its very gay, and I can't change it again!!!!! (tears)
latest #10
Yashar_joon2002 گفته ها
15 years ago
how horny!gorgeous!
15 years ago
cant see anything but some STRAIGHT lines on pooy's page..whats wrong with him...??? :-o
GeeTee احساس میکند
15 years ago
ke in nakhodagahe pooy ast ke mikhahad jaryan ra chapak bebinad.. :'-(
GeeTee فکر میکند
15 years ago
bayad digar raft khastegari..Ghabl az Eid , baad az maahe mobarake SAFAR ,ke shogoon ham dashte bashad KHODAYE NAKARDE
15 years ago
na ghablesh ye theme soorati bood akhe, alan avaz shod
15 years ago
thinks every body is gay to some extent. there is no way out of it!
15 years ago
Thinks the red duf is Screwed for good!
SEM! احساس میکند
15 years ago
that she should introduce her BRO to pooy...! (hassle)
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