12 years ago
So. A whole bunch of old (well, a bit over ten years old) graphic novels unpacked and sitting on my shelf, waiting for me to decide I don't
latest #7
12 years ago
want them anymore, and put them in a new box to go to Half Price Books.
12 years ago
So far I've carted over about seven boxes worth of books and gotten almost $100. Which is just a dribble when you consider what I
12 years ago
originally paid for them, yeah, but given that it's all stuff I had no plans to ever read again, it's better than having them take up space,
12 years ago
collect dust, and make me less able to afford books I'll actually USE. I rather like this.
12 years ago
My goal is to have NO books left in storage a year from now, under the logic that anything I haven't found room for in my 70+ feet of shelf
12 years ago
space obviously isn't something I care about particularly anyway. I haven't even STARTED on any of the books I have actual feelings about,
12 years ago
not yet. That will be more difficult. But I will get there. SOON.
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