Lisana says
12 years ago
Sam will be back some time tomorrow; he's been gone since Thursday for a fire spinning retreat. I'm really surprised Peanut has not
latest #7
12 years ago
curled up in my lap at all; I guess her need for cuddles has not yet outweighed the fact that I'm not her purrson (LOL)
el wonders
12 years ago
what fire spinning is.
12 years ago
Northern_Light very much so!! :-). I am her maid and personal chef (LOL)
12 years ago
ell I think you would like it! He has a quarter staff with wicks in each end that get dipped in white gas and lit on fire! Also another
12 years ago
Tool called poi, which are knotted wick on the end of a chain, also dunked and lit, and spun around.
12 years ago
Freestyle Fire PoiFreestyle Fire Poi Here is a random video I found of someone spinning with poi.
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